
SPNN President

SPNN Vice President

SPNN Treasurer

SPNN Secretary
Chairs and Co-Chairs

Chair (Coronado)

Co-Chair (Coronado)

Chair (Grossmont)

Co-Chair (Grossmont)

Chair (Chula Vista)

Co-Chair (Chula Vista)

Chair (Mesa Vista)

Co-Chair (Mesa Vista)

Chair (Non-Hospital)

Co-Chair (Non-Hospital)

Chair (Mary Birch)
Staff Representatives
Sharp News
Sharp RNs Stand Together Against Harassment
Posted on October 1, 2014
In June 2014, several RNs from Sharp filed a complaint regarding harassing behavior.
Governor Brown Vetoes Staffing Ratio Enforcement Bill
Posted on October 1, 2014
SB 455, a bill sponsored by UNAC/UHCP which would require hospitals to be in compliance with California’s nurse-to-patient ratio law, has been vetoed by the Governor.
CPR, PALS, and ACLS Certifications
Posted on July 30, 2014
Earlier this year, Sharp made a unilateral, system-wide change to working conditions regarding CPR, PALS and ACLS certifications and re-certifications without negotiating with the Union. Sharp Healthcare’s position was that all certifications and re-certifications were to be completed at Sharp’s Cardiac Training Center (CTC). When your Union was made aware of this change we immediately […]
Address Updates
Posted on July 9, 2014
Have you moved to a new residence and need to inform UNAC/UHCP about your change of address? Doing so is easy! Send an email to and be sure to include your name, the name of the UNAC/UHCP affiliate that you work for, your old address, and your new address.
Workplace Violence – Take the Survey Today!
Posted on June 30, 2014
Health care workers from the United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals (UNAC/UHCP) launched a campaign against workplace violence in an effort to improve work environments. Assaults in hospitals, especially in emergency rooms, are a very common occurrence but little has been done to regulate safety for health care workers. In May 2014, […]
SPNN Contract Ratified
Posted on June 17, 2014
On Saturday, June 14, 2014 Sharp Professional Nurses Network (SPNN) members voted on and ratified a two year agreement with Sharp Healthcare. The new two year agreement takes effect October 1, 2014 and expires on September 30, 2016. The agreement guarantees: No takeaways to our current agreement terms and condition. Effective 9/28/14, all full-time and […]
UNAC/UHCP Members to Testify about Workplace Violence on Thursday
Posted on June 16, 2014
UNAC/UHCP nurses, along with other concerned members of the public, will testify on June 19 at 10 am at a California Occupational Safety Administration (Cal/OSHA) Health Standards Board public hearing regarding workplace violence. These health care workers will share real-life stories of workplace attacks sustained by health care workers while caring for patients. UNAC/UHCP surveyed […]
Statement on Veto of Arizona Refusal of Service Bill
Posted on February 27, 2014
UNAC/UHCP Vice President Denise Duncan, RN, released the following statement after the veto of a bill allowing refusal of service to gays in Arizona: “We celebrate the veto of the discriminatory Arizona law that would have allowed businesses to refuse service to gay customers. That a conservative governor in a right-to-work (for less) state would […]
SPNN Affiliate Officer Elections
Posted on December 24, 2013
As a result of our recent nominations and election process, the following are SPNN officers: SPNN President: Christina Magnusen, RN SPNN Vice President: Kathy Banes, RN SPNN Treasurer: Larry Winkler, RN SPNN Secretary: Lois Klepin, RN Mary Birch Chair: Isa Contreras, RN Mary Birch Co-Chair: Sheila Berg, RN Mesa Vista Chair: Shawn McCoy, RN Mesa […]
Tis the Season to Stand Up for Workers
Posted on November 20, 2013
Now is the time we must all stand together. Join UNAC/UHCP on Black Friday as we stand with Walmart workers and call for an end to retaliation against those who bravely speak out and push for a real, living wage. We will stand with workers at the Walmart in Crenshaw at 11:30 am.