
Downey (Kaiser)


Joel Enkhorn, RN
Hospital President
Email: kdrna.hp@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Pamela Brodersen, NP
Medical Office President
Email: kdrna.mp@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Camille Alvarez Davis, RN
Vice President
Email: kdrna.vp@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Leon McDonald, RN
Email: kdrna.ts@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Yoshini Perera, RN
Email: kdrna.sec@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Sojourner Lindsey, RN
Executive Council Representative
Email: kdrna.xcr@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
KDRNA Officer Contact Info
Email: kdrna@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Contract Specialist

John Brillante, RN
2018 Contract Specialist
Cell: 909-643-4566
Email: kdrna.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Staff Representative

Gerardo Bajamundi, RN
Staff Representative
Email: Gerardo.Bajamundi@unacuhcp.org

Downey (Kaiser) News

An Update on SB 491

Posted on August 30, 2013

Unfortunately one of the bills we were working on and a key component in addressing the ACA failed today and did not get out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee. SB 491 would have allowed for Nurse Practitioners to expand their role in the delivery of care, consistent with best practices as identified by the Institute of Medicine. This was a huge fight in the Capitol and we look forward to continuing to fight for patient safety and your profession.

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Kaiser Members: Important Update about Kaiser Budget

Posted on August 21, 2013

One year ago this month, UNAC/UHCP and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU) began discussions with Kaiser regarding “affordability.” After several months of protracted meetings last autumn, Kaiser announced the position eliminations of roughly 550 employees in Southern California, including 175 UNAC/UHCP members. At a meeting in late November, over 150 local affiliate officers […]

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Social Media Online Tutorials

Posted on August 13, 2013

Finally, your social media questions answered! UNAC/UHCP has created a series of online trainings for the biggest social networks that need a little explanation: Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Join us!

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Kaiser Settlement Reached

Posted on June 19, 2013

On June 17, 2013, UNAC/UHCP and Kaiser reached agreement on a resolution to the November 2012 position eliminations that were done without following seniority.

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Three New UNAC/UHCP Officers Elected at Historic Convention

Posted on May 20, 2013

UNAC/UHCP’s new elected officers are Executive Vice President Denise Duncan, RN, Secretary Charmaine Morales, RN, and Treasurer Jettie Deden-Castillo, NP.

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Storming the Capitol at the United Nurses of America Conference

Posted on May 15, 2013

Over three dozen UNAC/UHCP members spoke to their Members of Congress while UNAC/UHCP President Ken Deitz hosted AFSCME TV.

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UNAC/UHCP to Kaiser: Honor Our Contract

Posted on May 3, 2013

At the annual Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions’ delegate conference, UNAC/UHCP delegates took action against Kaiser management who were in attendance for violating our seniority provisions. Kaiser’s CEO responded “I will see to it that we get to the bottom of this and get the issue resolved.” Sounds great. Will it happen? If recent history is any indicator, we will need to continue to let Kaiser know that we expect them to honor our contract! Send a letter to Ben Chu and Judy White today to remind them!

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Major Labor Leaders Call on Kaiser to Rescind Reduction in Force

Posted on May 1, 2013

Over a dozen leaders from the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor and other unions demonstrated solidarity with UNAC/UHCP by signing a letter to Ben Chu, Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region President, which says in part: “We urge you to follow the Collective Bargaining Agreement. We ask that you rescind the notices given to health […]

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Kaiser: Respect is a Two-Way Street

Posted on May 1, 2013

Kaiser’s Southern California management has turned its back on Registered Nurses and Health Care Professionals. Kaiser’s blatant violation of our contract seniority provision and the implementation of reduction in force is a signal that Kaiser does not respect us as professionals. But this is only the beginning. Here are the updated facts: We learned that […]

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Send an Email to Ben Chu and Judy White

Posted on April 5, 2013

Tell Kaiser they need to honor our contract and honor our seniority. Click here to send an email to Ben Chu and Judy White. Join us to make change through solidarity and the strong unified support and participation of our members. While we have established a process with Kaiser to begin placement of UNAC/UHCP members who are affected by reduction in force, we are at the same time, continuing to fight against how Kaiser implemented this reduction, and who should have been affected based on seniority.

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