
Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5

Vice President
Unit: ICU, Cath Lab

Unit: T4, MCH, Peds, OB, L&D
Cell: 562-335-8699

Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5
Staff Representatives
Beverly News
Stand Up for Safe Staffing
Posted on September 16, 2011
On Friday September 23 we will present our counter proposal to Beverly Hospital management on safe staffing, along with documentation on unsafe staffing levels we have had to endure. This bargaining session is your opportunity to send management a clear message that Beverly RNs stand for our patients and demand safe staffing. Here’s What You […]
What is Beverly Hospital Hiding?
Posted on September 2, 2011
UNAC/UHCP sent Beverly Hospital a certified letter on July 29 asking for timecard information for 2009, 2010 and 2011. Click here to see the letter. We asked for RNs’ start times, stop times and meal periods. We did this in order to investigate concerns from RNs going back years about missed meals and breaks. By law […]
UNAC/UHCP Rallies in San Diego in Support of UFCW
Posted on August 24, 2011
More than 100 union members, including UNAC/UHCP RNs gathered in front of Ralphs in San Diego to protest the unreasonable contract takeaways, in particular to health benefits, by Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons.
Beverly RNs Demand Respect
Posted on August 18, 2011
Beverly RNs tell management, “Help us help you improve patient care.” Many thanks and kudos to all the Beverly Registered Nurses and community members who attended negotiations in support of our bargaining team. Our members relayed many heartfelt experiences to management. These moving stories emphasized the need for a fair and just contract. Respect Action To […]
Beverly Bargaining Update: August 12, 2011
Posted on August 12, 2011
CA ASSEMBLY MAJORITY LEADER CHARLES CALDERON ATTENDS BEVERLY BARGAINING!! If you missed the last two days of Beverly negotiations, then not only did you miss meeting your Assemblymember, but you also missed the lively debate as well. It was clear something was different at negotiations these last two days. It was evident that the unannounced […]
Beverly Bargaining Update: July 28, 2011
Posted on July 28, 2011
“BREAKFAST FOR LUNCH” CONTINUES! When did you last have an uninterrupted 30 minute meal period? OR even your 10 minute breaks? Are you clocking out and continuing to work? Are you placing your license at risk? Management brought our negotiating team a mock-up schedule of their proposed lunch/break plan with NO provision for coverage! Management […]
Beverly Bargaining Update: July 7, 2011
Posted on July 7, 2011
BEVERLY NURSES IN DISBELIEF!! A representative group of Beverly RNs spoke up at today’s negotiations requesting that management agree to schedule bargaining at Beverly Hospital. Management made excuses: “no place large enough,” “space in HR is not conducive to meeting there,” “computers and printers taking up space,” etc, etc… Management presented a proposal on the […]
Beverly Bargaining Update: June 23, 2011
Posted on June 23, 2011
BATTLE AT BEVERLY!! While management offered free massages at the hospital, they ignored your collective voice at the bargaining table!! BREAKFAST for LUNCH?? When was the last time YOU had ‘Breakfast for Lunch’? Management has interpreted labor law to force our RNs to be sent to ‘lunch’ at 9:00 when their shift starts at 7:00 […]
Beverly Bargaining Update: June 16, 2011
Posted on June 16, 2011
Beverly Negotiations: A Work in Progress Negotiations continued today with lots of energetic discussion about staffing, floating and cancellation orders, and participation in joint committees with our nurses and administration. The issue of hospital seniority vs. union seniority continues to be a hot topic of discussion at the table. Management refuses to acknowledge union seniority […]
Beverly Bargaining Update: June 9, 2011
Posted on June 9, 2011
Beverly Negotiations Continue to Progress Our voices were heard and management responded with 9 proposals and/or counter proposals at today’s negotiations. We T/A’d one more Article, Savings Clause. Our team worked hard, even working thru lunch to prepare our T/A and proposals on Seniority, Job Postings, Health and Safety and Probation and Evaluations. Exchanges across […]