
Beverly RNs Demand Respect

August 2011

Beverly RNs tell management, “Help us help you improve patient care.”

Many thanks and kudos to all the Beverly Registered Nurses and community members who attended negotiations in support of our bargaining team.

Our members relayed many heartfelt experiences to management.  These moving stories emphasized the need for a fair and just contract.

Respect Action

To protect Beverly RNs’ future, we’ve asked for job security language in the contract. Management continues to refuse.

As a sign of unity, we rose together and spoke from the heart to management about why RESPECT is important in the workplace.

One RN said:

“We feel that you don’t value us. You don’t really respect us. I am a mother. I have young kids. I want their future to be secure. So what we’re asking you is just the security for our jobs.”

Our fight is far from over. Your continued presence and participation is critical for a resolution. We Need You There!

Next negotiations:
September 23, 9 AM
Rosemead Doubletree
Across from Montebello Mall


Join us for our Contract Action Team meetings on Tuesdays:  8 AM & 8 PM
Call Thor at 909-784-9739 for more information.