
Baldwin Park (Kaiser)


Jennifer De Los Reyes, RN
Hospital Co-Chair
Teresa Sagal, RN
Clinic Co-Chair
Leigh Reza, RN
Vuena Loyola, RN
Marci Acevedo, RN
Representation Coordinator
KBPRNA Officer Contact Info
Cell: 626-851-7494
Email: kbprna@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Contract Specialist

Irene Wong Sampson, RN
2018 Contract Specialist
Cell: 909-282-7939
Email: kbprna.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Baldwin Park (Kaiser) News

OC Members Join Riverside and Button Up!

Posted on April 11, 2012

Protesting any takeaways in benefits, Orange County members joined Riverside nurses and healthcare professionals and “Buttoned Up” to support our bargaining team. Specialty Care Nurses of Southern California (SCNSC) and CNMs and WOCNs have been participating in Button Days at their facilities alongside other UNAC/UHCP members. Check out the latest national Bargaining Bulletin for more […]

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Kaiser Members Vow to Fight to Protect Pension

Posted on April 10, 2012

Earlier this year, thousands of UNAC/UHCP members from across Southern California participated in the UNAC/UHCP bargaining survey. The survey has been tabulated and our members priorities are clear: 97% of members vow to fight to preserve pension, health benefits and retiree medical. In April we will wear special campaign buttons to demonstrate that we’re firmly behind our bargaining team, and to send a message to our co-workers and coalition partners that we’re strong, united and committed to winning a fair contract.

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Button Up For a Fair Contract

Posted on April 5, 2012

In April we will wear special campaign buttons to demonstrate that we’re firmly behind our bargaining team, and to send a message to our co-workers and coalition partners that we’re strong, united and committed to winning a fair contract. Check out the back side of this flier for your facility’s Button up Day! “Every UNAC/UHCP […]

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San Jose Team Returns from Bargaining With Kaiser

Posted on April 1, 2012

We just finished three days of National Kaiser Bargaining this week. Thanks to the hundreds of UNAC/UHCP members who attended bargaining this week! You made a difference! This week we discussed our interests and goals in the area of benefits, the partnership, healthy workforce, and the growth of Kaiser. On the last day of bargaining, the benefits group met for part of the day, without management, to discuss our interests in protecting our benefits.

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A Special Message from Sonia Moseley, NP

Posted on March 16, 2012

As health care professionals, we spend our entire working lives taking care of other people. At the point when we retire, we have demonstrated a profound commitment not just to our profession and our patients, but to Kaiser. Kaiser has sent a clear message through recent actions that it wants to shift the burden of […]

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Surgery Day Program Victory Guarantees UNAC/UHCP Members are Covered

Posted on March 16, 2012

UNAC/UHCP raised concerns over the Surgery Day Program because of the potential risks placed on volunteering RNs, NPs, and PAs who were not covered by standard workplace protections while volunteering for the community organizations.

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UNAC/UHCP Kaiser Bargaining Update #1

Posted on March 9, 2012

National negotiations with Kaiser began on Tuesday, March 6th. We spent the initial three sessions on training the bargaining team members on bargaining strategy and approach. On Thursday management and the Unions broke into five sub-groups: 1. Benefits 2. Enhancing the Partnership 3. Growth of KP and Unions 4. Total Health 5. Workforce of the […]

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Join Us for Bargaining: Questions and Answers

Posted on February 16, 2012

All UNAC/UHCP members are strongly encouraged to attend National Negotiations to see first-hand how our issues and concerns are addressed as we negotiate our new contract. Register to Attend Bargaining: 1. Sign up on line at unacuhcp.org/socal2012signup or 2. Fill out the I’ll Be There registration card and turn it into your Affiliate Officers or […]

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Board of Registered Nursing is Restored

Posted on February 15, 2012

Governor Jerry Brown has signed Senate Bill 98, the legislation reconstituting the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). The entire board will be reappointed under the new bill.

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UNAC/UHCP Bargaining Team Elected!

Posted on February 10, 2012

Last week ballots were counted in an election held by the UNAC/UHCP Executive Committee to elect our representatives to serve on the National Bargaining Committee. We are pleased to announce that the following leaders will be representing us: Ken Deitz, RN, UNAC/UHCP President Barbara Blake, RN, UNAC/UHCP State Secretary Bill Rouse, UNAC/UHCP Executive Assistant to […]

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