
Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser)


Liza Ventura
President (North)
Email: presnorth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Jessica Guillory
President (South)
Email: pressouth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Adriana Mendez
Email: secretary.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rob Peterson
Email: treasurer.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Anna Rehman
Vice President (Orange County)
Email: vpoc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rachelle McGlover
Vice President (West L.A.)
Email: vpwla.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Alice Grant
Vice President (Independence Park/Downey)
Email: vpdowney.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Gemma Frulla
Vice President (San Diego)
Email: vpsd.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Orion Wright
Vice President (South Bay)
Email: vpsb.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Christina Achebe
Vice President (Panorama City)
Cell: 626-541-2386
Email: vppc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rafael Rodriguez
Vice President (Fontana/Ontario)
Email: vpfo.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Aida Qose
Vice President (Woodland Hills)
Email: vpwh.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Melanie Wilkes
Vice President (Kern)
Email: vpkern.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Contract Specialists

Kristie Joy Otero, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (North)
Cell: 626-653-8379
Email: scnscnorth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Deshemia Johnson, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (South)
Cell: 626-653-8378
Email: scnscsouth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Staff Representatives

Donna Haddad, RN, BSN
Staff Representative (North)
Email: Donna.Haddad@unacuhcp.org
Graciela Velazquez, RN
Staff Representative (South)
Email: Graciela.Velazquez@unacuhcp.org

Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser) News

A Special Message from Sonia Moseley, NP

Posted on March 20, 2012

As health care professionals, we spend our entire working lives taking care of other people. At the point when we retire, we have demonstrated a profound commitment not just to our profession and our patients, but to Kaiser. Kaiser has sent a clear message through recent actions that it wants to shift the burden of […]

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Kaiser National Bargaining: New Group Sign-Up

Posted on March 16, 2012

Sign up online to attend national bargaining sessions: For UNAC/UHCP’s new group of Kaiser members: Case Managers, Patient Educators; WOCNs and Nurse-Midwives. National Bargaining is where the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente unions–95,000 members including UNAC/UHCP–negotiates for the larger economic and benefits issues. It’s where the fight to secure our pensions and health benefits, and across-the-board […]

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Bargaining Update: March 16, 2012

Posted on March 16, 2012

The Specialty Care Nurses of Southern California (SCNSC) have spent the last few months filling out bargaining surveys and then negotiating at the bargaining table. Over the last few weeks, votes were cast to select your name and your decision is now final. Congratulations, SCN of Southern California! We have a tentative agreement concerning release […]

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Bargaining Update: Progress on Workload

Posted on March 9, 2012

This week was a tough week at the negotiation table, because the bargaining team tackled workload issues. The team recognizes that workload is one of the big issues for many members in the Case Managers & Patient Educators’ bargaining unit. You have reported: • Caseloads that are unreasonable on a regular basis • Double caseloads when a […]

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Bargaining Update: Orientation and Training

Posted on March 2, 2012

The negotiating team focused on language concerning orientation and training. During the organizing campaign, we heard many concerns such as: • Inadequate orientation for new hires or transfers into new positions • Inconsistency in training programs • Lack of training for legal mandates, for example, a new form is required by law, and you are […]

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Bargaining Update: Big Week

Posted on February 24, 2012

All the things we’ve done for the past few weeks finally came to fruition this week. The following represents our productive work: • Filling of Vacancies • Definition of the Group Membership • Non Discrimination Clause • New or Revised Job Protection • Recognition and Coverage of the Bargaining Group • Mandatory Training During Scheduled […]

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Bargaining Update: A Good Week

Posted on February 17, 2012

This was an awesome week at the negotiating table. The team after discussion made progress on many issues and began writing actual contract language. One of the issues addressed was ensuring our legal right to meals and breaks. Bargaining will resume next week on February 21, and continue February 23-24.

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Board of Registered Nursing is Restored

Posted on February 15, 2012

Governor Jerry Brown has signed Senate Bill 98, the legislation reconstituting the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). The entire board will be reappointed under the new bill.

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Bargaining Update: The Work Begins

Posted on February 10, 2012

In the last three days, the negotiating team has worked hard to bucket 23 flip-charted pages of issues to address during bargaining. They began work for contract language on two before leaving the table for the weekend. One was the impact of mandatory training in relationship to workload. The other was how to address work […]

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Bargaining Begins

Posted on February 6, 2012

Negotiations have started at UNAC/UHCP’s offices in San Dimas for our first contract. Both labor and management received training from a neutral facilitator. We then started to identify the issues we will be working on during negotiations. We will keep you updated as negotiations progress. Please fill out an online Bargaining Survey today: unacuhcp.org/KaiserNewLocalSurvey Our […]

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