
SPNN President

SPNN Vice President

SPNN Treasurer

SPNN Secretary
Chairs and Co-Chairs

Chair (Coronado)

Co-Chair (Coronado)

Chair (Grossmont)

Co-Chair (Grossmont)

Chair (Chula Vista)

Co-Chair (Chula Vista)

Chair (Mesa Vista)

Co-Chair (Mesa Vista)

Chair (Non-Hospital)

Co-Chair (Non-Hospital)

Chair (Mary Birch)
Staff Representatives
Sharp News
SPNN Bargaining Update: September 21, 2011
Posted on September 22, 2011
At Thursday’s RN bargaining session, management responded to the Union’s wage proposal. Management’s proposal fell far short of providing RNs with the recognition we have earned through our skills, experience and dedication to Sharp. Compare for yourself: How would your wages be affected? This chart shows what you would earn during the contract if you […]
SPNN Bargaining Update: August 31, 2011
Posted on August 31, 2011
Can’t Miss Negotiations: Wages & Econ SPNN will present our economic proposals, including wages, when bargaining resumes on Wednesday, September 21 at 9:30 AM. Don’t miss it! Your presence can make all the difference. Economic Negotiations Wednesday, September 21 Sheraton Four Points 8110 Aero Drive San Diego, CA 92123 Download a leaflet with this information […]
Be There for Wage Talks September 21!
Posted on August 29, 2011
At our next bargaining session, the RN bargaining committee will present our economic proposals. These can’t miss negotiations will cover: • Wages • Health care • Education Benefits Member support is key to winning the best possible contract. Be there to support your future: Wednesday, September 21 Sheraton Four Points 8110 Aero Drive San Diego, […]
UNAC/UHCP Volunteers Staff San Diego Health Fair For the United Domestic Workers of America
Posted on August 24, 2011
On Saturday, August 20, UNAC/UHCP participated in the United Domestic Workers of America’s health fair in San Diego. UNAC/UHCP members checked blood pressure for more than 100 attendees, many of whom do not have access to health care.
UNAC/UHCP Rallies in San Diego in Support of UFCW
Posted on August 24, 2011
More than 100 union members, including UNAC/UHCP RNs gathered in front of Ralphs in San Diego to protest the unreasonable contract takeaways, in particular to health benefits, by Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons.
SPNN Bargaining Update: August 19, 2011
Posted on August 19, 2011
Our bargaining team has reached tentative agreements on two more articles of the contract: Article 2: Courtesy Article 7: Association Representation Our bargaining team did an excellent job on Article 7! They secured members’ rights to be represented in workers’ comp meetings at Sharp, and other meetings regarding return to work following an injury. Your […]
Kaiser South Bay Stands Up for Local UFCW
Posted on July 27, 2011
During a time when unions and collective bargaining rights are under attack, we must make every effort to support other unions and their members. UNAC/UHCP members from Kaiser South Bay did just that in late July.
Become a SPNN Member Today
Posted on July 14, 2011
With your active involvement, the Sharp Professional Nurses Network (SPNN) can continue to be a catalyst to improve the lives of our patients and our members. SPNN dues pay for United Nurses Association of California/Union of Health Care Professionals (UNAC/UHCP) to represent us in contract negotiations and to enforce the collective bargaining agreement. UNAC/UHCP is […]
SPNN Contract Campaign Kick-off Training Sessions Held in May
Posted on July 14, 2011
The first training sessions for this year’s contract negotiations were a huge success! Registered Nurses throughout the Sharp facilities attended to discuss their experiences and give their input on what they would like to see at negotiations. SPNN Officers, RNAC members and Contract Support Team (CST) members discussed SPNN history, the negotiation process and the […]
You’re Invited
Posted on July 14, 2011
As a Sharp Registered Nurse, you are always invited to attend the SPNN Executive meeting held at the UNAC/UHCP San Diego office on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Supper is provided.