
Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5

Vice President
Unit: ICU, Cath Lab

Unit: T4, MCH, Peds, OB, L&D
Cell: 562-335-8699

Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5
Staff Representatives
Beverly News
Check out the Full Page Beverly Ad
Posted on December 6, 2011
Check out the full page ad that ran in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune and La Opinion on December 6. Beverly RNs are in the fight of their lives. They voted to form a union with UNAC/UHCP to improve their working conditions and patient care last February, but management is stalling negotiations.
Beverly Management Wants Right to Terminate RNs Without Recourse
Posted on November 22, 2011
Just Cause means that RNs are entitled to “due process” for any alleged violations. With Just Cause, if an RN is accused of doing something wrong, management must fully investigate. The RN can also fully investigate and present their side of the story. Just Cause also means no disciplinary action against an RN in a manner that doesn’t fit the alleged issue. For example, being terminated for a first offense. Beverly Management wants to be able to terminate or discipline an RN for any reason without following Just Cause.
Big Rally Brings Progress in Beverly RN Bargaining
Posted on November 10, 2011
After the outpouring of support for Beverly RNs from elected officials and the community at our rally on November 8, management came to the Bargaining Table with a different tone on November 10. We won agreement on Leaves of Absence which guarantees bereavement leave and jury duty pay and a fair process for returning to work after a leave. We also won an added bargaining date after calls from elected officials for Beverly Hospital to show that it’s serious about negotiating with us.
Congresswoman Judy Chu, Other Elected Leaders Speak Out Against Beverly Hospital’s Inaction
Posted on November 8, 2011
Congresswoman Judy Chu and other elected officials spoke at a rally in front of Beverly Hospital today in support of Registered Nurses who have been negotiating with the hospital for months in their fight to guarantee safe, quality patient care. “I urge Beverly Hospital to bargain in good faith, talk about the issues, and move forward,” Congresswoman Chu said. “Do right by these hardworking nurses.”
Congresswoman Judy Chu and Other Elected Leaders to Speak Out Against Beverly Hospital’s Outlaw Actions at Rally Tomorrow
Posted on November 7, 2011
Rally for Patients Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11 AM to 1 PM Beverly Hospital 309 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640 Congresswoman Judy Chu, with other elected and community leaders, will speak out in support of the nurses at Beverly Hospital, who have been subject to unlawful tactics in their fight to guarantee safe and […]
Bargaining Team, Elected Leaders and Community Call for Rally at Beverly Hospital
Posted on October 27, 2011
Concerned with patient safety, quality care, and the slow pace of bargaining, elected officials and community members will lead a rally in support of Beverly RNs in front of Beverly Hospital on Tuesday, November 8 from 11 am to 1 pm. Our Bargaining Team is calling for us to join the rally, and gave the […]
Wage and Benefit Preparations Begin for Beverly RNs
Posted on October 14, 2011
In bargaining yesterday we won an important new right: When we transfer to a new position or different department we won’t be on probation, as had been the case. This was a huge battle, because for months now management insisted on transfers serving a probation period, meaning “at will” status where we could be easily […]
UNAC/UHCP Fights for Beverly RNs
Posted on October 7, 2011
A Big Win: Right to Choose Our Stewards The right to choose our own Shop Stewards is one of the most fundamental union rights. Management wanted to dictate our choice of our own Stewards. Yesterday, after months of standing firm, we won that right, in Article 2, Union Representation. Our Shop Stewards will be RNs […]
Beverly RNs Take Action for Safe Floating
Posted on September 29, 2011
Beverly RNs took action this week to stand up for safe floating procedures. They sported stickers declaring “Another RN for Safe Staffing” and used “floaties” in the hospital to highlight the issue. We began today’s bargaining by discussing our concerns with safe floating and management’s proposal to expand float zones to float nearly all RNs […]
Beverly RNs Speak Out for Safe Staffing
Posted on September 27, 2011
Nearly 30 RNs, from every unit at Beverly Hospital, spoke out with examples of unsafe staffing at Beverly, in bargaining on Friday September 23. The RN Bargaining Team and management reached agreement on Friday on union recognition and on medical exams.