Big Rally Brings Progress in Beverly RN Bargaining
November 2011

Beverly RNs and UNAC/UHCP State Secretary Barbara Blake with Maria Elena Durazo, from the LA County Federation of Labor
After the outpouring of support for Beverly RNs from elected officials and the community at our rally on Tuesday November 8, management came to the Bargaining Table yesterday with a different tone. Download a leaflet with rally photos and more information.
We won agreement on Leaves of Absence which guarantees bereavement leave and jury duty pay and a fair process for returning to work after a leave.
We also won an added bargaining date after calls from elected officials for Beverly Hospital to show that it’s serious about negotiating with us.
Beverly RNs stepped up and took action for safe patient care by attending the rally, and by attending bargaining to speak up for the importance of safe floating procedures to quality patient care. We have no agreement yet on this issue, so we need to keep the heat on.
Come to the next bargaining session to speak up for safe floating!
As community support builds for Beverly RNs we have to keep up the pressure at the Bargaining Table to win for our patients!
Take Action: Come to Bargaining
November 21 & 22, December 7 & 15, 9 AM
Rosemead Doubletree Hotel
888 Montebello Blvd.
Rosemead, CA 91770
For more information, contact Kuusela Hilo at 909-241-8733 or
Download the leaflet with rally photos and more information.