Press Releases
STATEMENT: Kentucky Teachers Score Education Victory
April 13, 2018
UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan, RN, released the following statement about the successful drive to increase public education funding in Kentucky. “In a major victory for Kentucky teachers, the state legislature voted today to override Governor Matt Bevin’s veto of a budget bill with nearly $487 million for schools and a tax bill to help finance […]
STATEMENT: Oklahoma Teachers Strike is Over But the Wave is Just Beginning
April 13, 2018
UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan, RN, released the following statement regarding the end of the Oklahoma teachers strike. “Fifty thousand teachers, parents and children rallied in Oklahoma City on Monday in support of increased funding for public education and legislators responded by adjourning early and hightailing it out of the capitol. “Their retreat, after complaining about […]
Denise Duncan Statement: Martin Luther King Gone 50 Years
April 2, 2018
We remember Dr. King and the sanitation workers for whom he gave his life. Dr. King’s belief in equality has not yet been realized. May we all take a moment today to consider how we can continue to work toward his dream.
New Alliance of Kaiser Unions Hires an Executive Director, Picks Name
March 30, 2018
LOS ANGELES, CA— The Alliance of Health Care Unions (AHCU) announced its name today and its first hire: Executive Director Peter diCicco, founder and longtime Executive Director of the original Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, from which the alliance unions withdrew last week. “We’re excited that Peter’s joining us,” said Denise Duncan, RN, President of […]
New Coalition Emerges Among Unions at Kaiser Permanente
March 26, 2018
Twenty-one local unions from the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU) have decided to leave and create a new alliance in the spirit of the original coalition and labor-management partnership.
We Must Demand Gun Control After Parkland Shooting
February 15, 2018
We simply cannot accept the status quo of record-breaking senseless death due to gun violence anymore, especially not when it comes to the murder of innocent children.
It’s Time to Give Dreamers Protections
February 9, 2018
PRESS STATEMENT UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan, RN, issued the following statement on the record-setting speech of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in defense of the deferred action program for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children. “On Wednesday, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi set a record for the longest speech in the history of […]
MSU Sexual Assaults Were Mishandled by the University
January 26, 2018
No institution serving tens of thousands of our nation’s girls and women should be allowed to get away with such incredible negligence and a gross violation of justice.
UNAC/UHCP Executive Vice President Charmaine Morales, RN, on MSU and Larry Nassar
January 25, 2018
Michigan State needs to finish cleaning house. If you’re hiding behind process when a moral crime of this magnitude has occurred at your university, at your facilities, to your students, you have no business educating young adults. No one can trust you to do the right thing.
UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan, RN, on OSHA Safety Inspectors
January 9, 2018
Is it really up for debate that our workplaces should be safe? This Administration needs to start acting like those who provide the labor are as important as those who profit from our work. While California health care workers will still be able to rely on state OSHA inspectors, all Americans who work outside the home should worry about dwindling safety standards in workplaces under this Administration.