
Important ULP Strike Information for Sharp RNs

November 2016


Dear Sharp RN:

In the past few days, management for Sharp HealthCare (Sharp) has disseminated misleading information to frighten Sharp RNs and stop Sharp RNs from exercising their rights under the National Labor Relations Act. Management for Sharp understands the power that the nurses have standing together and they are doing everything in their power to weaken your resolve. To that end, we have received multiple reports that Sharp is verbally demanding RNs report for work at 6:30 am on November 28 to turn in your badges. You do not need to report to work at 6:30 am on November 28 to turn in your badge.

UNAC/UHCP provided Sharp with the required 10-day notice that our unfair labor practice strike (ULP strike) would commence on November 28 at 7:00 am. Sharp’s verbal demand to have nurses report at 6:30 am to turn in their badges is a blatant effort to undermine participation in our ULP strike. Sharp is on notice of our ULP strike. You are protected by the National Labor Relations Act in your efforts to strike in protest of Sharp’s repeated violations of federal labor law.

You are exercising your protected rights and Sharp should be ashamed of themselves for these underhanded tactics. In addition to this letter, we will be updating our FAQs as necessary to address any further misleading information that Sharp may continue to provide. Please see our latest FAQ titled “7 Questions – 7 Days To Go!”

Solidarity is the key to fair treatment from Sharp.


CLICK HERE for a PDF version of this notice


  1. I am a day shift RN, do I need to come to work on Monday, November 28? No – if your shift normally starts on or after 0700.
  2. What if I am scheduled to work the night shift before the ULP strike begins, (PM/NOC shift of 11/27)? Go to work as scheduled. At 0700 give report, stop working, and clock-out. Then join your coworkers on one of the picket lines.
  3. What do I do if I am striking and my shift starts before 0700 on Monday 11/28/16? Again, go to work as scheduled. At 0700 give report, stop working, and clock-out. Then join your coworkers on one of the picket lines. For example, the shift starts at 0500? Go to work as you normally would and inform your manager that you are striking. Find out who you will be giving report to prior to 0700. Give report to the designated individual, clock out and leave the facility.
  4. I’m striking. Do I need to report to work at Sharp on Monday because of the “internal disaster” that some in hospital administration are referencing? No, you absolutely do not need to report if you are striking and are not scheduled to work before 0700 on 11/28/16. (See question #3). The 10-day strike notice submitted to Sharp management and the federal and state government empowers and protects you to go on strike and withhold your labor.
  5. Why is management talking about an “internal disaster” and what does it mean? It is unclear why or what this term means exactly. It comes from Sharp HR policy – Work Stoppage Plan. We believe that management is declaring an “internal disaster” as a blanket approach meant to intimidate and confuse health care professionals. This is irresponsible to the patients we serve. Again, this is perplexing and our best guess is that they are attempting to cause confusion and make the topic of conversation about reporting to work, rather than retention and recruitment, their contract proposals, and/or to take away attention from the unfair labor practices they have committed. Management is legally obligated to find nurses to work, including temporarily hiring non-Sharp travel RNs.
  6. I am not a dues-paying Sharp bargaining unit RN, but I plan on striking with my colleagues – am I legally protected? Yes.
  7. When are we making our picket signs and getting shirts? We will put together our picket signs on Sunday, 11/27/16 at the Union office, (5030 Camino De La Siesta, Suite #306) from 1700 – 2000. Spread the word! T-shirts will be distributed at picket lines.


REMEMBER: You are standing up for your patients, your community, and your coworkers. Sharp management is the party responsible for placing us in the position where we have to protect our patients, our values, our credibility, and our colleagues. Sharp refuses to engage with us in good faith bargaining to seriously address chronic understaffing and the current retention and recruitment crisis.

CLICK HERE for a PDF version of the FAQs