


Through joining together and working as a team, UNAC/UHCP’s 25,000+ members have won huge victories and raised standards for our patients, our professions and our communities.

Safe Staffing Campaign

By standing together we’ve won hundreds of new positions to fix unsafe staffing in our hospitals. Learn how.

Workplace Violence Prevention

UNAC/UHCP helped make health care workers safer in our workplaces, where we are subject to violence more than any other profession except law enforcement, by winning strict new Cal/OSHA regulations. Learn how.

Saving the 12 Hour Shift

UNAC/UHCP saved the option of the 12 hour shift for all California RNs, after a 2015 court decision threatened to end the longstanding practice. Learn how.


See below for more of UNAC/UHCP’s latest victories and achievements in our workplaces and beyond.

Victory: Workplace Violence Regulations

Winning regulations to protect health care workers will be a huge victory! Thank you to every person who shared a personal story of workplace violence, testified at a Cal/OSHA hearing and signed on to the petition calling on Cal/OSHA to act.

Safe Staffing Equals Safe Patients

UNAC/UHCP’s union-wide campaign to ensure safe staffing has already netted two notable victories after ongoing campaigns at specific facilities ramped […]

Pharmacists Ratify First UNAC/UHCP Contract

Kaiser Pharmacists in Southern California have overwhelmingly approved their first UNAC/UHCP contract, which includes restoration of the defined benefit pension plan and many other improvements.

PRNA Upcoming Wage Increases

We fought hard during negotiations to win improved wages, benefits, and working conditions for Parkview Registered Nurses. Click through for details regarding your upcoming wage increases.

National Agreement Ratified by UNAC/UHCP Members!

After weeks of local ratification votes throughout the Southern California region, the tentative National Agreement received an overwhelming YES vote from UNAC/UHCP members at Kaiser.