St. Francis


Vice President
Unit: Critical Care/Telemetry


Staff Representatives
St. Francis News
We’ve Chosen Our Team for the Bargaining Table
Posted on April 14, 2011
We cast our votes in large numbers and on Wednesday, March 24 they were all counted. We have a new bargaining team to champion our issues in upcoming contract talks.
Important Vote: St. Francis Negotiating Committee
Posted on March 17, 2011
Voting is now taking place for the St. Francis Negotiating Committee. Ballots were mailed to your home on March 7th and are due back by March 21st (please mail them back). The following RNs have been nominated and are running for the negotiating committee: Miriam Pinawin, RN, BSN, NICU Diane Thomas, RN, Med Surg/4 Margo […]
UNAC/UHCP Hits the Black Barbershop
Posted on March 8, 2011
Nurses screened hundreds of patients, and optometrists gazed into more than 200 eyeballs at this year’s African American Men’s Health and Empowerment Summit. Though the program is known as the Black Barbershop Outreach Program, this year’s event was held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, a sign of its continued growth and success.
SFRNA Nurses Stand Up for Freedom to Form Unions – February 06, 2009
Posted on February 6, 2009
UNAC nurses–including SFRNA’s own Scott Byington–and staff members marched and rallied in the pouring rain on February 5th to show support for the Employee Free Choice Act, which will give working people the right to choose to join a union by signing cards, establish stronger penalties against employers who violate the rights of employees trying […]
Members Make Contract Strides at St. Francis, Kaiser
Posted on September 15, 2008
UNAC/UHCP members are making terrific strides in contract negotiations. The bargaining team from the St. Francis Registered Nurses Association won a strong new contract that includes across-the-board wage increases, new resources to help nurses further upgrade their skills and education, and the creation of a new category rewarding nurses who earn a master’s degree. SFRNA […]