
Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser)


Liza Ventura
President (North)
Email: presnorth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Jessica Guillory
President (South)
Email: pressouth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Adriana Mendez
Email: secretary.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rob Peterson
Email: treasurer.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Anna Rehman
Vice President (Orange County)
Email: vpoc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rachelle McGlover
Vice President (West L.A.)
Email: vpwla.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Alice Grant
Vice President (Independence Park/Downey)
Email: vpdowney.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Gemma Frulla
Vice President (San Diego)
Email: vpsd.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Orion Wright
Vice President (South Bay)
Email: vpsb.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Christina Achebe
Vice President (Panorama City)
Cell: 626-541-2386
Email: vppc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rafael Rodriguez
Vice President (Fontana/Ontario)
Email: vpfo.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Aida Qose
Vice President (Woodland Hills)
Email: vpwh.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Melanie Wilkes
Vice President (Kern)
Email: vpkern.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Contract Specialists

Kristie Joy Otero, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (North)
Cell: 626-653-8379
Email: scnscnorth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Deshemia Johnson, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (South)
Cell: 626-653-8378
Email: scnscsouth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Staff Representatives

Donna Haddad, RN, BSN
Staff Representative (North)
Email: Donna.Haddad@unacuhcp.org
Graciela Velazquez, RN
Staff Representative (South)
Email: Graciela.Velazquez@unacuhcp.org

Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser) News

BRN Renewals

Posted on August 23, 2012

Renewing your BRN license this year? Be smart and do it early or do it online. Word is there have been delays in processing license renewals this year. Don’t get caught in the system. Online, early, or both!

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We Did It! We Ratified Our First Contracts!

Posted on August 3, 2012

It’s official! Specialty Care Nurses of Southern California (SCNSC) and Kaiser Permanente Midwives & Wound Ostomy Nurses (KPMWON) have each ratified our first contracts.

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Favorable Settlement Won for Kaiser Primary Care Advice RNs

Posted on August 3, 2012

After a long, hard-fought battle, UNAC/UHCP reached a settlement agreement with Kaiser on two grievances concerning patient safety and workload for primary care advice RNs. To improve message management, the agreement establishes joint labor-management committees charged with the mission of planning for coverage of scheduled time off for primary care RNs who triage patient phone […]

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Stand with Anaheim RNs

Posted on July 3, 2012

Kaiser management, without our input, decided to place all Anaheim Emergency Department RNs on uniform shifts from 8 to 8. For years, UNAC/UHCP members have worked in the Anaheim ED on varied shifts (e.g. some shifts are 3 to 3, 7 to 7, 10 to 10), just like many emergency rooms, to ensure sufficient coverage during peak periods. This unilateral change that Kaiser plans to implement doesn’t work for our patients and doesn’t work for us. We are on the frontlines of patient care. To date, Kaiser has ignored our concerns. We are extremely disappointed Kaiser isn’t working with us collaboratively. Please send a message to Kaiser on our behalf in support of the varied shifts that are critical in emergency care.

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Tentative Agreements Reached on First Contracts For SCNSC & KPMWON!

Posted on June 27, 2012

After months of bargaining we won a strong agreement. See the schedule of ratification meetings so you can vote.

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Proposed “Temporary Waiver” in Budget Would Waive Staffing Ratios During Meal Breaks

Posted on June 14, 2012

The proposed language would allow hospitals to waive the staffing ratios on all units during meals and breaks. “The UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME legislative team immediately developed a plan to actively oppose the language and to inform the legislators that UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME would never support anything that would threaten the staffing ratios that California Registered Nurses worked so hard to achieve and the patients deserve,” said Barbara Blake, RN, UNAC/UHCP State Secretary/Treasurer. Click here to read UNAC/UHCP’s letter of opposition to the proposed language.

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UNAC/UHCP Celebrates Nurses Week

Posted on May 11, 2012

After starting Nurses Week with a recap of how far we’d come in the year since last Nurses Week, thousands of UNAC/UHCP nurses employed by Kaiser got a special Nurses Week gift–a Tentative Agreement on a fantastic new contract. Details are forthcoming. We have a photo gallery of the UNAC/UHCP celebrations that took place all over Southern California. Read all about it!

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National Bargaining Tentative Agreement Reached

Posted on May 11, 2012

At 2:45AM today, UNAC/UHCP and the Coalition of Unions reached a tentative agreement with Kaiser covering 95,000 Kaiser employees across the country. While we are not yet part of the national coalition, when we ratify our final contract, we will be covered by the National Agreement. This will give us increased bargaining power in years […]

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Happy Nurses Week!

Posted on May 6, 2012

During Nurses Week on May 6-12, we thank our strongest advocates for patients: Registered Nurses. Thank you for all that you do for this union!

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Kaiser FLEX Plan Cost Increases: You Do the Math

Posted on May 2, 2012

Have a family of 4? A few monthly prescriptions? An ER visit here or there? Here’s how Kaiser FLEX plans increase our costs, and not just today, but likely into the future. CHECK IT OUT: If your family has doctor visits about 10 times a year that’s $200 under flex vs. the $50 you pay […]

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