
Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5

Vice President
Unit: ICU, Cath Lab

Unit: T4, MCH, Peds, OB, L&D
Cell: 562-335-8699

Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5
Staff Representatives
Beverly News
Proposed “Temporary Waiver” in Budget Would Waive Staffing Ratios During Meal Breaks
Posted on June 14, 2012
The proposed language would allow hospitals to waive the staffing ratios on all units during meals and breaks. “The UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME legislative team immediately developed a plan to actively oppose the language and to inform the legislators that UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME would never support anything that would threaten the staffing ratios that California Registered Nurses worked so hard to achieve and the patients deserve,” said Barbara Blake, RN, UNAC/UHCP State Secretary/Treasurer. Click here to read UNAC/UHCP’s letter of opposition to the proposed language.
UNAC/UHCP Celebrates Nurses Week
Posted on May 11, 2012
After starting Nurses Week with a recap of how far we’d come in the year since last Nurses Week, thousands of UNAC/UHCP nurses employed by Kaiser got a special Nurses Week gift–a Tentative Agreement on a fantastic new contract. Details are forthcoming. We have a photo gallery of the UNAC/UHCP celebrations that took place all over Southern California. Read all about it!
Happy Nurses Week!
Posted on May 6, 2012
During Nurses Week on May 6-12, we thank our strongest advocates for patients: Registered Nurses. Thank you for all that you do for this union!
Press Release: Beverly Hospital Nurses Ratify Contract With Patient Protections
Posted on May 3, 2012
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2012 Contact: Jeff Rogers UNAC/UHCP Public Affairs Specialist Cell: 909-263-7230 • Office: 909-451-0663 Beverly Hospital Nurses Ratify Contract With Patient Protections Montebello, CA – Registered Nurses at Beverly Hospital ratified their first contract yesterday, winning protections for patient safety after a year of difficult bargaining that included a federal government […]
After a Hard Fought Battle, Beverly Nurses Win Their First Contract
Posted on May 3, 2012
Beverly RNs voted by 96% to approve a first contract on May 2, 2012 after a year long battle to secure wage increases, grievance and arbitration, and a voice in patient care.
Beverly Bargaining Update
Posted on April 6, 2012
Close to Agreement–Two Obstacles Left Yesterday we met and bargained with management. We are very close to an agreement. Two issues continue to divide RNs and management. 1. “Most Favored Nations”—Protection for union employees against management giving non-union employees better wages or benefits than us during the life of the contract. 2. Two Years vs. […]
Let’s make our next bargaining session count!
Posted on March 21, 2012
Let’s make our next bargaining session count! We’ve made tremendous progress over the last year, in spite of unnecessary delays and roadblocks by Beverly Hospital. Yesterday, the National Labor Relations Board Region 21’s neutral investigation found that the hospital has engaged in unlawful bad faith bargaining throughout negotiations and announced the federal government would be […]
Federal Government to Prosecute Beverly Hospital
Posted on March 21, 2012
Yesterday the federal government announced its decision to prosecute Beverly Hospital for its unlawful negotiation tactics that have blocked a first contract with its Registered Nurses.
OSHA Investigates Beverly Hospital
Posted on March 12, 2012
OSHA was at Beverly Hospital on Friday, March 9 to take photos and investigate the complaints made by Beverly RNs about problems with the facility, including faulty electrical wiring in Intensive Care, mold and water damage, and flooding. The dedication of Beverly RNs to patient safey is paying off.
Community Support for Beverly RNs Continues to Grow
Posted on March 1, 2012
The latest delegations to visit Beverly Hospital in support of Beverly Nurses were led by Father Mike Gutierrez, Pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in Baldwin Park and a Board Member of CLUE (Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice); and by members of the Communications Workers of America Local 9588. Both delegations had […]