
What is Beverly Hospital Hiding?

September 2011

UNAC/UHCP sent Beverly Hospital a certified letter on July 29 asking for timecard information for 2009, 2010 and 2011. Click here to see the letter.

We asked for RNs’ start times, stop times and meal periods.

We did this in order to investigate concerns from RNs going back years about missed meals and breaks.

By law you’re entitled to one hour’s pay for each meal you’ve missed.

Management’s response to our request?

They offered us only One Month’s records. The most recent month.

What are they hiding? Come to the next negotiations and ask:

September 23, 9 AM
Rosemead Doubletree
Across from Montebello Mall

What are You Owed?

For example, say you make $30 an hour. If you’ve been at Beverly Hospital for only two years and you’ve missed only one meal break per month, you could be owed $720 ($30 x 24).

Multiply your own hourly rate by how many meal breaks you think you’ve missed to see what you could be owed.

Take Action:

Contract Action Team Meetings
Tuesdays at 8 AM & 8 PM
Call Thor at 909-784-9739 for more information

Download this information in leaflet form to share with co-workers.