
SFRNA Bargaining Update #10 – Nov. 29, 2017

November 2017

NEXT WEEK'S SESSIONS SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 5-6 HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. The bargaining team will be taking those days for a closed caucus. We will see you back at bargaining on December 12.

On November 29, our RN bargaining team met with management and reached twelve tentative agreements (TAs):
  • Article 2: Management Rights - current contract language
  • Article 3: Strikes and Lockouts - current contract language
  • Article 5: No Discrimination - new language with added protection for protected activities
  • Article 16: Leaves of Absence - increase jury duty days from 3 to 5; added protection language for bereavement leave
  • Article 22: Savings Clause - current contract language
  • Article 23: General Provisions - current contract language
  • Article 24: Change of Ownership - current contract language
  • Attachment Q: Fatigue Language - current contract language
  • Side letter: PICC unit 10 hour - current contract language
  • Attachment L&M - MICN - current contract language
  • Attachment J: Scheduling of PTO - added vacation language to ensure first come, first served time off during the months outside of February-April vacation request
  • Attachment K: Floating Committee - continuation of the floating committee to ensure safe floating for our members
Because of your activism, the pace of negotiations has improved. Make sure you attend bargaining on December 12!


*** Dec. 5-6 CANCELLED ***

Tuesday, Dec. 12 | 1 pm – 5 pm
Wednesday, Dec. 13 | 10:30 am – 4 pm
Tuesday, Dec. 19 | 1 pm – 5 pm
Wednesday, Dec. 20 | 10:30 am – 4 pm
Thursday, Dec. 21 | 10:30 am – 4 pm

Long Beach Airport Marriott
4700 Airport Plaza Dr. | Long Beach, CA 90815

Click here for a PDF version of this update.