Making Progress After a Rocky Start
January 2013
Bargaining Update: January 17, 2013
We spent three days in bargaining at Fountain Valley this week, and despite a rocky and rough start, we accomplished a great deal.
We have agreements so far on Union representation; seniority; harassment; grievance and arbitration; performance improvement and discipline; floating; and holidays. In each of these articles we have made improvements in expanding and protecting our members' rights. Get this kind of news directly from the Bargaining Table: Sign up for Text Alerts.
"The interaction between the negotiating team and the management is interesting, to say the least." –Sharon Zarkos, PACU
We want to thank the more than 60 members who have come to bargaining so far from the vast majority of departments-you made a difference and we thank you for your participation.
At the end of the third day of bargaining, we began discussions among the bargaining team and the members who attended bargaining about developing our economic proposals.
"We're doing well, but now we are starting economics. Everyone needs to be there." –Bien Nguyen, NICU
Sign up online to join us for bargaining.
In our next negotiations, we will be working on putting together our wage proposal. We ask that every unit in the hospital send a delegation of nurses and professionals to work with us on developing these proposals. You will be able to see the data that we have regarding current wages and how we compare to other facilities.
It is important that we have everyone's input as we go forward. Sign up online right now.
"Come be a part of bargaining." –Dee Furukawa, NICU
February 13 and 14
Los Caberellos Sports Club
17272 Newhope Street, Fountain Valley
Continental breakfast and lunch are served.
Sign up online for bargaining here!
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