Lakewood Bargaining Highlights: May 15, 2013
May 2013
Contract negotiations on Tuesday took on an exciting and energetic tone when nearly a dozen LRNA members joined our bargaining team to observe the proposals about staffing, floating, cancellation, scheduling and management's response.
Suzette Alison made us proud with a very effective power point presentation proposing staffing ratios for chemo patients. Did management hear us? Come next time to see their response.
We reached agreement on new lay off language protecting seniority and years of service.
Join our bargaining team and coworkers on June 4 and 5 to hear first hand why management argues to protect shared employees and give them more floating and cancellation rights than our own nurses.
Help make sure we achieve a strong contract. Your presence makes a difference. It did on Tuesday!
Where: Long Beach Airport Marriott 4700 Airport Plaza Drive, Long Beach CA 90815 (Spring St. & Lakewood Blvd.)
When: June 4 & 5, 10 AM - 5 PM
Come for an hour or stay for the day. Be a witness to what they say.
Family & Friends Welcome!
Sign up online:
Download a leaflet with this information to print and share with co-workers.