
Download All Kaiser Contract Campaign Leaflets

March 2012

Download all of the Kaiser Contract Campaign leaflets to read, print and share with co-workers.

Think You'll Be Secure in Your Retirement? THINK AGAIN
Kaiser has sent a clear message that it wants to shift retiree health costs to employees. Learn more.

It's Going to Be a Cold Day...Before We Freeze Our Pesnion
What does a pension "freeze" mean and how much does it cost us? It could cost you over $200,000 in lost pension dollars over the course of your retirement. Learn more.

You Do the Math
See how Kaiser FLEX plans increase our costs today and into the future. Learn more.

Join Us & Button Up!
In April we will wear special campaign buttons to demonstrate that we are firmly behind our bargaining team. Learn more (two pages).

Bargaining Update #3: April 11, 2012
97% of members vow to fight to preserve pension, health benefits and retiree medical. Read more (two pages).

Bargaining Update #2: March 30, 2012
Hundreds of members from UNAC/UHCP and other Coalition Unions showed up to support our bargaining team. Find out what happened (two pages).

Retiree Health Insurance Benefits
Kaiser has sent a clear message that it wants to shift the burden of retiree healthcare costs on to employee. Read more about it (two pages).

Health Benefits
Kaiser implemented "Flex" benefits on all non-union employees in 2010, and has since proposed the same for other unions and employees. We expect Kaiser to try the same thing with us. Read more about it (two pages).

Bargaining Update #1: March 9, 2012
National negotiations with Kaiser began on Tuesday, March 6th. Read about the first three days.