
Beverly Bargaining Update: RNs Propose Wage Scale

January 2012

We proposed a wage grid yesterday that recognizes our experience as RNs. Other area hospitals treat RNs as professionals and recognize the skills and experience they bring to delivering quality patient care.

Now is our time. Beverly needs to end the 4 year wage freeze and come up to community standards.

Under our proposed wage grid:

If you have one year of RN experience, your wage would go up to:

First Day of Contract (Year One)   $33.17
2013 (Year Two)   $36.39
2014 (Year Three)   $39.93

If you have six years of RN experience, your wage would go up to: 

First Day of Contract (Year One)   $39.74
2013 (Year Two)   $41.73
2014 (Year Three)   $46.00

Download full-scale wage grid proposal  

Download this Bargaining Update to share with co-workers