
Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser)


Liza Ventura
President (North)
Email: presnorth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Jessica Guillory
President (South)
Email: pressouth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Adriana Mendez
Email: secretary.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rob Peterson
Email: treasurer.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Anna Rehman
Vice President (Orange County)
Email: vpoc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rachelle McGlover
Vice President (West L.A.)
Email: vpwla.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Alice Grant
Vice President (Independence Park/Downey)
Email: vpdowney.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Gemma Frulla
Vice President (San Diego)
Email: vpsd.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Orion Wright
Vice President (South Bay)
Email: vpsb.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Christina Achebe
Vice President (Panorama City)
Cell: 626-541-2386
Email: vppc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rafael Rodriguez
Vice President (Fontana/Ontario)
Email: vpfo.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Aida Qose
Vice President (Woodland Hills)
Email: vpwh.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Melanie Wilkes
Vice President (Kern)
Email: vpkern.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Contract Specialists

Kristie Joy Otero, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (North)
Cell: 626-653-8379
Email: scnscnorth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Deshemia Johnson, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (South)
Cell: 626-653-8378
Email: scnscsouth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Staff Representatives

Donna Haddad, RN, BSN
Staff Representative (North)
Email: Donna.Haddad@unacuhcp.org
Graciela Velazquez, RN
Staff Representative (South)
Email: Graciela.Velazquez@unacuhcp.org

Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser) News

‘Planning Your Retirement’ Seminars Available for Sign-up

Posted on May 9, 2016

This year the retirement seminars are being hosted by the State office at hotels scattered across Southern California. Click through to sign up and attend any seminar at any location that is most convenient.

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Posted on April 20, 2016

Through our collective action we have won a final payment in lieu of the PSP of up to $900.

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We Did Our Part to Meet PSP Goals

Posted on April 9, 2016

We did our part in 2015 to meet Performance Sharing Program (PSP) goals!

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Tell Kaiser Why You’ve Earned the PSP

Posted on March 31, 2016

Kaiser still doesn’t get it. We deserve a fair PSP bonus that recognizes how much we contributed to Kaiser’s 2015 successes. Help us explain it to them. Use this brief form to tell Kaiser why you deserve the PSP this year.

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Kaiser PSP Update

Posted on March 25, 2016

Outgoing Kaiser Southern California President Ben Chu, MD, agreed to meet to determine a fair and meaningful bonus for Southern California workers who did not receive a PSP payout. That meeting took place yesterday and unfortunately, we did not reach a consensus on a fair payout that recognizes our contributions to Kaiser’s success in Southern California last year. All parties involved agreed to meet again on Monday to find an equitable solution.

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UNAC/UHCP Members Take A Stand for Safe Staffing and a Fair PSP Payout

Posted on March 15, 2016

On March 14, Coalition union members including more than 50 UNAC/UHCP activists presented thousands of petition signatures to management at the Kaiser Permanente Regional Office in Pasadena.

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Sign the Petition Telling Kaiser Management to Give Us Our PSP!

Posted on March 1, 2016

Kaiser UNAC/UHCP members: Sign the online petition telling Kaiser management to recognize our contributions and give us 100% of our PSP!

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Elizabeth Bell Wins 2015 Extraordinary Nurse Award

Posted on February 17, 2016

SCNSC member Elizabeth Bell has been selected to receive the 2015 Extraordinary Nurse Award, the nation’s highest RN award.

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Hospital Violence in the News

Posted on November 12, 2015

UNAC/UHCP members shared their experiences with hospital violence with CBS LA on a featured story aired November 11.

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National Agreement Ratified by UNAC/UHCP Members!

Posted on August 28, 2015

After weeks of local ratification votes throughout the Southern California region, the tentative National Agreement received an overwhelming YES vote from UNAC/UHCP members at Kaiser.

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