
Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser)


Liza Ventura
President (North)
Email: presnorth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Jessica Guillory
President (South)
Email: pressouth.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Adriana Mendez
Email: secretary.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rob Peterson
Email: treasurer.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Anna Rehman
Vice President (Orange County)
Email: vpoc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rachelle McGlover
Vice President (West L.A.)
Email: vpwla.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Alice Grant
Vice President (Independence Park/Downey)
Email: vpdowney.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Gemma Frulla
Vice President (San Diego)
Email: vpsd.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Orion Wright
Vice President (South Bay)
Email: vpsb.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Christina Achebe
Vice President (Panorama City)
Cell: 626-541-2386
Email: vppc.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Rafael Rodriguez
Vice President (Fontana/Ontario)
Email: vpfo.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Aida Qose
Vice President (Woodland Hills)
Email: vpwh.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Melanie Wilkes
Vice President (Kern)
Email: vpkern.scnsc@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Contract Specialists

Kristie Joy Otero, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (North)
Cell: 626-653-8379
Email: scnscnorth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Deshemia Johnson, RN, CMU
2018 Contract Specialist (South)
Cell: 626-653-8378
Email: scnscsouth.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org

Staff Representatives

Donna Haddad, RN, BSN
Staff Representative (North)
Email: Donna.Haddad@unacuhcp.org
Graciela Velazquez, RN
Staff Representative (South)
Email: Graciela.Velazquez@unacuhcp.org

Specialty Care Nurses (Kaiser) News

Our First Victory: UNAC/UHCP Secures Our Pay Increases

Posted on February 1, 2012

At UNAC/UHCP’s urging, Kaiser has agreed to pay merit increases for all Case Managers, Patient Eductors and WOCNs this year. Also, Kaiser has agreed to pay the VPP bonus payment, as usual, in early Spring. Download a leaflet with this information to share with co-workers

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Vote for Your Bargaining Team

Posted on January 6, 2012

Check your mailbox! • Ballots were mailed this week for bargaining team elections • If you did not receive a ballot, please contact Sharon Stillwell, UNAC/UHCP Office Manager at 909-599-8622. • Ballots due January 18 • If you are at Downey, West LA, Regional, or Ontario, your elections are not contested. Therefore, you will not […]

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Help Shape Your Bargaining Team

Posted on December 15, 2011

If you are interested in serving on the negotiating team yourself, or if you would like to nominate a colleague from your work location, please complete the nomination form and return it to the UNAC/UHCP office to arrive no later than December 19. The negotiating team will consist of twenty-eight (28) nurses, based on a representational model that ensures all work locations are fairly represented at the bargaining table.

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Video: Electing a Bargaining Team

Posted on December 14, 2011

Check out our brief video that explains your bargaining team. Both groups–the Case Managers/Patient Educators and the Midwives/WOCNs–are covered in this short two minute video that covers the nominations process and the how and why behind it. Curious why your facility has 1 representative? Want to know how a representational model works? Watch the video and find out!

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Kaiser Case Managers, Patient Educators, Nurse Midwives, and WOCNs Head to Bargaining

Posted on December 10, 2011

On December 3, Kaiser case managers, patient educators, nurse midwives, and WOCNs gathered to celebrate their recent vote to join UNAC/UHCP and plan the next chapter of the journey. In speaking with case managers from Kaiser Antelope Valley, it became clear that for some, there is a serious issue not just with workload, but with […]

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Video: December 3 Celebration of New UNAC/UHCP Groups

Posted on December 8, 2011

Kaiser case managers, patient educators, nurse midwives, and WOCNs gathered to celebrate their recent vote to join UNAC/UHCP on December 3. Said a case manager from Antelope Valley, “if the union wasn’t coming, I wouldn’t stay.”

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