San Diego (Kaiser)

Hospital Vice President


Affiliate Associate

Affiliate Associate
Contract Specialists
2018 Contract Specialist (Hospital)
Cell: 619-890-1694
2018 Contract Specialist (Out-Patient)
Cell: 619-481-2148
Staff Representatives
KSDHCPA Voicemail: (619) 528-7263
San Diego (Kaiser) News
July 16 Rally for Stronger Standards against Workplace Violence
Posted on July 13, 2015
UNAC/UHCP will be taking action before the Cal/OSHA Standards Board on July 16 to protest the recently revised and significantly weakened workplace violence prevention regulations. Join us in Pasadena as we rally to send a message to the Board that we won’t accept watered down regulatory standards!
National Agreement Endorsed at Delegate Conference
Posted on June 16, 2015
The new tentative National Agreement between Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition Unions was overwhelmingly recommended for ratification at the Union Delegate Conference on June 16.
Tentative Agreement Reached at Kaiser National Bargaining
Posted on June 6, 2015
On June 6, our Bargaining Team concluded a new tentative National Agreement.
Kaiser National Bargaining Update: April 30, 2015
Posted on April 30, 2015
Negotiations continued April 28-30 in San Jose for the next Kaiser National Agreement. Support the bargaining team by signing up to attend the next bargaining sessions in Los Angeles on May 12-14!
Take Action Against Workplace Violence
Posted on April 30, 2015
On April 30, UNAC/UHCP members met with representatives from a federal agency from Washington, DC to talk about workplace violence.
Kaiser National Bargaining Update: April 17, 2015
Posted on April 17, 2015
Kaiser negotiations for a new National Agreement resumed April 14-16 in Manhattan Beach. Our bargaining team was there, taking part in discussions that will determine the future for those who work at Kaiser.
UNAC/UHCP Members Testify at Cal/OSHA Hearing on Workplace Violence in Hospitals
Posted on April 6, 2015
On April 1, UNAC/UHCP members testified at a Cal/OSHA hearing on draft workplace violence prevention regulations currently being drafted.
Kaiser National Bargaining Update: April 2, 2015
Posted on April 2, 2015
Over the last several days, UNAC/UHCP bargaining team members met with those bargaining on behalf of other Kaiser Permanente unions, as well as Kaiser management, to kick off bargaining with a three-day training.
UNAC/UHCP Members Testify in Sacramento
Posted on March 16, 2015
On March 9, UNAC/UHCP members testified before the Health and Human Services Budget Subcommittee in Sacramento about the importance of prioritizing funding to improve statewide staffing ratios.
UNAC/UHCP Member Testifies Before U.S. Congress
Posted on March 6, 2015
UNAC/UHCP member Brenda Crawford, RN, spoke in favor of fairer union election procedures at a hearing in the US House of Representatives on March 4.