San Diego (Kaiser)

Hospital Vice President


Affiliate Associate

Affiliate Associate
Contract Specialists
2018 Contract Specialist (Hospital)
Cell: 619-890-1694
2018 Contract Specialist (Out-Patient)
Cell: 619-481-2148
Staff Representatives
KSDHCPA Voicemail: (619) 528-7263
San Diego (Kaiser) News
UNAC/UHCP Physician Assistant Helps Patients Achieve Their Goals
Posted on April 11, 2009
Cyril Thomas knows a hero when he sees one and Ryan Gonzalez is definitely it. Thomas, a physician assistant in the Emergency Department at Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center , met Ryan years ago when he was being treated for harlequin ichthyosis, a rare skin disorder that’s usually fatal at birth. Ryan is the […]
Kaiser National Agreement Reopener Approved by Huge Margin – October 13, 2008
Posted on October 13, 2008
The Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (of which UNAC/UHCP is a part) and the Kaiser Permanente Partnership Group (the senior leadership team of health plan and physician executives) have approved the 2008 reopener of the 2005 National Agreement. The union vote was overwhelming in favor of the agreement, passing it by a 96 percent margin. […]
Members Make Contract Strides at St. Francis, Kaiser
Posted on September 15, 2008
UNAC/UHCP members are making terrific strides in contract negotiations. The bargaining team from the St. Francis Registered Nurses Association won a strong new contract that includes across-the-board wage increases, new resources to help nurses further upgrade their skills and education, and the creation of a new category rewarding nurses who earn a master’s degree. SFRNA […]
Members Make Contract Strides at St. Francis, Kaiser – September 15, 2008
Posted on September 15, 2008
UNAC/UHCP members are making terrific strides in contract negotiations. The bargaining team from the St. Francis Registered Nurses Association won a strong new contract that includes across-the-board wage increases, new resources to help nurses further upgrade their skills and education, and the creation of a new category rewarding nurses who earn a master’s degree. SFRNA […]