Optometrists (Kaiser)

1st Vice President & Union Partnership Representative
Email: Mary.Cavanaugh@unacuhcp.org

2nd Vice President



Contract Specialist
2018 Contract Specialist
Cell: 626-825-1268
Email: kpasco.cs@unacuhcpaffiliate.org
Optometrists (Kaiser) News
Flu Vaccination/Masking Mandate
Posted on November 7, 2013
Kaiser provided the following answers to employee frequently asked questions. 1. Why is Kaiser Permanente mandating masks for those not vaccinated? This mandate is not from Kaiser Permanente. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has mandated that all health care workers in the county who have not had a flu vaccination wear […]
UNAC/UHCP Holiday Toy and Food Drive
Posted on October 31, 2013
This holiday season, UNAC/UHCP is spearheading an effort to give back to our local communities. Both the San Dimas and San Diego UNAC/UHCP state offices will be designated collection zones for a holiday toy and food drive on specific days, listed below. San Dimas Office: November 2 (10 am-noon) November 13 (10 am-5 pm) November […]
Take Charge: Know Your Union Contract!
Posted on October 25, 2013
In 2013 UNAC/UHCP continues its commitment to make sure members are well educated on the benefits, rights and guarantees we have won in our union contract. Check out the attached leaflets on a variety of issues so that you can TAKE CHARGE! Take Charge Sept/Oct 2013 – TORT Take Charge July/August 2013 – Grievance Handling […]
KPASCO Candidate Biographies
Posted on October 17, 2013
Secretary Candidate Biographies Madhu Chawla My name is Madhu Chawla and I am running for the office of KPASCO secretary in this fall’s election. In my first term as secretary, as well as in my almost 6 years as a Kaiser Optometrist, I have supported our doctors and worked to protect and advance our profession. […]
Affordable Care Act Exchanges Open
Posted on October 1, 2013
With the Affordable Care Act, health care professionals can take care of patients who need treatment, before their conditions become too dire to be fixed.
KPASCO Officer Nominations Now Open
Posted on September 18, 2013
The Kaiser Permanente Association of Southern California Optometrists (KPASCO) affiliate officer nominations are now open. Per the affiliate constitution the following positions are open for election in 2013: Vice President (2 year term) Secretary (2 year term) If you are interested in submitting a nomination for the above open positions, click here. The deadline to submit your […]
Senator Elizabeth Warren Gets It
Posted on September 4, 2013
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s remarkable Labor Day message. If only all of our elected officials understood labor’s mission and purpose as well as Senator Warren!
Kaiser Members: Important Update about Kaiser Budget
Posted on August 21, 2013
One year ago this month, UNAC/UHCP and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU) began discussions with Kaiser regarding “affordability.” After several months of protracted meetings last autumn, Kaiser announced the position eliminations of roughly 550 employees in Southern California, including 175 UNAC/UHCP members. At a meeting in late November, over 150 local affiliate officers […]
Social Media Online Tutorials
Posted on August 13, 2013
Finally, your social media questions answered! UNAC/UHCP has created a series of online trainings for the biggest social networks that need a little explanation: Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Join us!
Kaiser Settlement Reached
Posted on June 19, 2013
On June 17, 2013, UNAC/UHCP and Kaiser reached agreement on a resolution to the November 2012 position eliminations that were done without following seniority.