Midwives/WOCN (Kaiser)


Vice President CNM

Vice President WOCN



Area Representative (PC, WH, LAMC, West LA, Kern)

Area Representative (Riv, Font, Ont)

Area Representative (Baldwin Park, Downey, South Bay)

Representation Coordinator

Area Representative (San Diego)
Staff Representative
Midwives/WOCN (Kaiser) News
Bargaining Update: March 22, 2012
Posted on March 22, 2012
The Midwife/WOCN Bargaining Team is on a roll this week at the negotiating table. They have reached consensus on the following language: • Per Diem Agreement–Establishes the commitment of the per diem status with the employer • Established Work Week/Work Day– Definition provides the parameters for payroll purposes • Loss of Seniority Application–Defines when members […]
A Special Message from Sonia Moseley, NP
Posted on March 20, 2012
As health care professionals, we spend our entire working lives taking care of other people. At the point when we retire, we have demonstrated a profound commitment not just to our profession and our patients, but to Kaiser. Kaiser has sent a clear message through recent actions that it wants to shift the burden of […]
Kaiser National Bargaining: New Group Sign-Up
Posted on March 16, 2012
Sign up online to attend national bargaining sessions: For UNAC/UHCP’s new group of Kaiser members: Case Managers, Patient Educators; WOCNs and Nurse-Midwives. National Bargaining is where the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente unions–95,000 members including UNAC/UHCP–negotiates for the larger economic and benefits issues. It’s where the fight to secure our pensions and health benefits, and across-the-board […]
Bargaining Update: March 16, 2012
Posted on March 16, 2012
The CNMs and WOCNs continued to work diligently. The most challenging issue at the table was language on filling of vacancies. After much discussion and a review of the surveys, consensus was reached. The team is currently working on per diem language. Additional bargaining dates have been added to the calendar: March 27 and 28, […]
Bargaining Update: Progress at the Negotiating Table
Posted on March 9, 2012
The WOCN/CNM Negotiating Team made progress this week on several issues, which creates consistent practices on the following: • Standard time frame to notify an applicant whether or not they’ve been awarded a posted position • Standard time frame for an applicant to accept or decline a position • Definition of the trial period for […]
Bargaining Update: Big Week
Posted on February 24, 2012
All the things we’ve done for the past few weeks finally came to fruition this week. The following represents some of our productive work: • Recognition and Coverage of the Bargaining Unit • Job Vacancy Protection • Non Discrimination Clause • Definition of the Group Membership • Safety and Health Protection • Probationary Period • […]
Bargaining Continues
Posted on February 17, 2012
Interest-based bargaining continued two days this week. The team engaged in hearty discussion about all the issues around the probation period and began to write actual contract language. Bargaining will resume next week on February 21, and continue February 23-24.
Bargaining Update: The Work Begins
Posted on February 10, 2012
In the last three days, the negotiating team continued to identify issues that need to be addressed with management. This list continues to grow. The issues identified were placed in buckets for future work. Some of these buckets are: workload, scheduling, education and training, and economics. By the third day, discussions began with management. Team […]
Bargaining Begins
Posted on February 6, 2012
Negotiations have started at UNAC/UHCP’s offices in San Dimas for our first contract. Both labor and management received training from a neutral facilitator. We then started to identify the issues we will be working on during negotiations. We will keep you updated as negotiations progress. Please fill out an online Bargaining Survey today: unacuhcp.org/KaiserNewLocalSurvey Our […]
Our First Victory: UNAC/UHCP Secures Our Pay Increases
Posted on February 1, 2012
At UNAC/UHCP’s urging, Kaiser has agreed to pay merit increases for all Case Managers, Patient Eductors and WOCNs this year. Also, Kaiser has agreed to pay the VPP bonus payment, as usual, in early Spring. Download a leaflet with this information to share with co-workers