
We’ve Chosen Our Team for the Bargaining Table

April 2011

We've Chosen Our Team for the Bargaining Table

Beverly RNs made a good showing at the election station yesterday across from the hospital’s main entrance.We came out in three shifts throughout the day to cast our votes.

The votes have been counted, and we have our Bargaining Team!

Thanks are due to all of the Beverly RNs who: took the time and thought to nominate someone for the team; accepted the call to run as nominees; as part of the CAT (Contract Action Team) helped get out the vote; came out and voted; volunteered to work at the election station; counted the votes.

 And lastly, let’s thank the Bargaining Team, for stepping-up to represent us at the Bargaining Table!

See the chart below for the full team roster.

What's Important to You in a New Contract?

Tell our Bargaining Team what you want them to work for at the Bargaining Table. Fill out the Bargaining Survey:

Click here to fill it out online.

Or get a copy from the Contract Action Team, or Thor Causing at (909) 784-9739 or thor@unacuhcp.org

Click here to download a leaflet with the names of the Bargaining Team.