
Victory! Kaiser Unfair Labor Practice Halted After Charge Filed by UNAC/UHCP

June 2011

A few months ago, UNAC/UHCP filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge against Kaiser with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). This charge was filed as a last resort after Kaiser refused to resolve the issue.

The "issue" was the wording on Investigatory Suspension notices. Kaiser threatened and intimidated our members with wording such as:

"Violation of the strict confidentiality requirements, which are an integral part of this investigation, may result in corrective action, up to and including termination."

“Nor are you to contact other employees during your period of suspension. Non-adherence to this may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of your employment.”

“You are also encouraged to refrain from any unnecessary conversation about the investigation.”

The NLRB has issued a complaint against Kaiser; in essence, they prosecuted the violation raised.

Kaiser must now take two actions: (1) They are required to post a notice that they will not violate the National Labor Relations Act on over 150 bulletin boards throughout Kaiser Permanente in Southern California, and (2) Send an e-mail notice to all employees represented by UNAC/UHCP.

Though the vast majority of our members will never in their career at Kaiser be placed on an investigatory suspension, UNAC/UHCP has fought hard to protect the rights of those affected members to receive a fair and full investigation.