
Urgent Alert for Kaiser Workers

November 2012

Kaiser Permanente has taken a wrong turn. Despite our attempts to work in partnership and to protect our members’ rights under our contract, Kaiser issued notices on Friday, November 16 to 175 UNAC/UHCP members that their positions were being “eliminated.”

Our Union has been persistent in stating the obvious to top KP leadership: under our local contract, seniority is the governing factor in position elimination. At this time, Kaiser has blatantly chosen to ignore our agreement. UNAC/UHCP is filing both a grievance under the local contract and at the national level.

Let’s be clear, position “elimination” does not equal layoff. Per our National Agreement, those affected members are afforded Employment and Income Security Agreement (EISA).

EISA clearly means:

1) You are guaranteed your current wage rate and benefits for a minimum of one year from receiving notice.
2) While your position has been eliminated, “transition pools” are created. The purpose is for you to be provided with work and to allow time for you to obtain a permanent position.

We will be moving forward with a comprehensive campaign to stop this madness. If you receive a notice, or are notified to meet with HR and/or your manager, please contact your staff representative immediately.

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