
Union in Brief – July 2015

July 2015


Office manager Sharon Stillwell has retired after more than 37 years with UNAC/UHCP, making her the longest serving employee in UNAC/UHCP history. For many of us, it is hard to imagine what 37 years at UNAC/UHCP must have been like - to think of all the people who have come and gone and to have adapted to all the changes that have taken place over the years. Sharon has been a monumental part of the growth of UNAC/UHCP, bestowing upon everyone her optimism, hard work, humor, and great style. Sharon takes with her the invaluable knowledge and history that has helped shape UNAC/UHCP into the great organization it is today. We appreciate the contributions she has made and while life at the office may not be quite the same without Sharon, we wish her well as she begins another chapter in her life.

After 21.5 years, staff accountant Bonnie Brownell also retired at the end of June to spend more time with her family. She is appreciative of everyone she has worked with. Colleagues describe Bonnie as passionate, someone who takes great pride in her work, and has always had a great amount of respect for UNAC/UHCP members and staff.

Both Sharon and Bonnie have demonstrated great dedication to our union and members over the years. We will miss them dearly and we wish them both well deserved, happy and healthy retirements!


UNAC/UHCP staff representative Linda Hippolyte, RN, is now servicing members at Kaiser Fontana and Kaiser Riverside clinics.


PARKVIEW: When two experienced Parkview nurses were targeted for discipline and had their Weingarten rights and rights under the contractual corrective action/discipline process violated, the Union filed three grievances and an unfair labor practice charge on their behalf.

One RN had been at Parkview for eight years with no prior history of write-ups or discipline. Within a matter of weeks, she received two final written warnings and an unpaid investigatory suspension which eventually led to her being placed on a last-chance agreement. Following UNAC/UHCP’s filings, her last-chance and two final written warnings were consolidated into a single Level 2 Individual Action Plan that is to be removed after 90 days if there is no additional disciplinary behavior. She was also awarded back pay for the three-day unpaid investigatory suspension.

The other targeted RN was initially issued a first written warning, which was taken away and reduced to a “record of conversation” after the Union took action.