Union in Brief – November 2013
November 2013
Garden Grove Bargaining
After making strong proposals on staffing, floating and cancellations, Garden Grove members have found themselves facing proposed takeaways, such as removing Charge RNs and Case Managers from the bargaining unit. A dozen Charge RNs stood up at a recent negotiations session to say they’d rather lose their titles than their union membership. Attendance at bargaining continues to increase as members unify to prevent takeaways.
2013-2014 UNAC/UHCP Scholarship Programs
UNAC/UHCP’s scholarship program in its second year has expanded the number and sizes of scholarships available. There are scholarships for our own members’ continued health care education, our family members’ post-high school education, and community members seeking to become health care professionals. This is yet another way for our union to promote quality patient care. You can download scholarship applications at unacuhcp.org/scholarship. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2013.
Balboa RNs preparing for bargaining held an ice cream social that heightened awareness of the union and gained three new members. Unfortunately the government shutdown hit Balboa hard, leading to cancellation of the first scheduled negotiation due to HR being furloughed. Worse, nurses have had to work without pay, without knowing if they would be paid once the shutdown was resolved.
Victory at Kaiser Sunset
It can pay to have a good Contract Specialist on the case. At Kaiser Sunset, CS Mary Danclair discovered that six RNs in Interventional Radiology had not been paid time-and-a-half for working consecutive weekends. A grievance led to an audit going back to 2010. Resolution of the grievance won back pay for all six RNs ranging from $650 to over $20,000.