
UNAC/UHCP’s Gallery of Success at AAOC 2012

May 2012

As the Gallery of Success at this year's Affiliate Officer's Conference (AAOC) shows, it's been a big year for UNAC/UHCP. Each affiliate highlighted their successes since last year's conference focused on engaging members.

In addition to this year's high-profile contract wins, every affiliate increased membership participation. BRNA increased their membership by 15, well on track for their year-end goal of 40 new members. Pettis increased membership 40% from last February. Kaiser South Bay attendance at recent General Membership Meetings is more than ten times what it had been in 2009. KBRNA now reaches 83% of their members by email.

How do they do it? KSRNA's new VP Jess Magubat says, "Everyone wanted to get more involved because of our contract." South Bay Treasurer Teresa Alcala says the affiliate has set up two gmail addresses shared by officers and stewards where members can request representation or information and receive a response within 24 hours. At Balboa the affiliate officers invoked a long-unused contract clause that gives them an office on campus to meet with members. PRNA uses their 15 minutes during orientation for new grads to "get them from the beginning." Kaiser West LA has used petitions on issues in specific units to get members active and involved. "Nurses know we're behind them and that makes our union strong," said Jenny Nguyen, Executive Council Delegate for KWRNA.

In all corners of UNAC/UHCP affiliates are reaching out to members. "Be as visible as your managers and more," says Eva Chroust at Kaiser Woodland Hills. Affiliates are using technology: text alerts, email blasts, websites, Facebook and old-fashioned worksite leaflets, to communicate, communicate, communicate. But the most effective method is still direct member-to-member conversations, so affiliates have increased rounding and general membership meetings. AT KFRNA their general membership meetings repeat every 15 minutes through the day, and they provide issue cards for members to fill out during the GMM to get individual follow-up attention.

As the Gallery of Success demonstrates, the secret to winning is really no secret: an active and engaged membership is unbeatable.