
UNAC/UHCP Wins After Strong Push from Members

July 2013

Last month, UNAC/UHCP reached a settlement with Kaiser regarding the 175 Position Elimination notices that members received in November 2012. Kaiser agreed to honor seniority as written in our local contract.

In the six months before settlement, UNAC/UHCP took action to push Kaiser in a variety of ways:

  • UNAC/UHCP filed grievances
  • UNAC/UHCP filed charges at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
  • UNAC/UHCP members picketed the four facilities hit with the highest numbers of eliminations
  • UNAC/UHCP members emailed and texted objections to Kaiser leadership
  • UNAC/UHCP asked political and union allies to write and call Kaiser to express their objection to Kaiser’s egregious behavior and to tell Kaiser to honor our contract
  • UNAC/UHCP member activists presented a petition to an angry Bernard Tyson, President and CEO of Kaiser Permanente
  • UNAC/UHCP members ceased participation in Labor Management Partnership activities

While no single action led to settlement discussions, the cumulative effect of all the actions did. Thank you to all who supported your peers in the fight to have Kaiser acknowledge our seniority provision in the local agreement! Remember, 2015 is not that far off!