
UNAC/UHCP Urges Quick Confirmation of Hilda Solis for Secretary of Labor

February 2009

Saying that now more than ever, “we need a secretary of labor who understands the relationship between reinvigorating our economy and fixing our broken health care system,” UNAC/UHCP President Kathy J. Sackman, RN, called on California’s two senators to do whatever they can to move forward the nomination of Hilda Solis for this important post.

In letters to Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Sackman praised Solis’ work as a fighter for the middle class and for access to quality health care. President Barack Obama nominated Solis for labor secretary earlier this month, but some senators have stalled a vote on her confirmation.

Read the full text of the letters to the senators here:

February 3, 2009
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein [same for Barbara Boxer]
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Feinstein:

I am writing to you today as president of United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals, a 16,000-member health care union, asking you to do whatever you can to ensure the confirmation of Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor.

As we confront dire economic crisis in our nation, we need a secretary of labor who not only understands the struggles of middle-class families but also has the vision and energy to implement solutions that will improve the everyday lives of working people. In addition, we need a secretary of labor who understands the relationship between reinvigorating our economy and fixing our broken health care system.

We know that Hilda Solis is just this kind of leader. She has been the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Task Force on Health and the Environment, under which she spearheads annual summits across the country about racial and ethnic health disparities.

In Congress, Solis has won legislative victories to provide workforce training for green collar jobs, ban pesticide testing on pregnant women and children, and help ensure health care access for Latinos suffering from HIV/AIDS.

When she was in the California state legislature, we worked fruitfully with Solis when Kaiser Permanente opened a new facility in the Baldwin Park area of her district. I know you agree with me that Hilda Solis is the best choice for Secretary of Labor and would be an asset to President Barack Obama’s bi-partisan economic team.

Unfortunately, other senators are obstructing progress toward her confirmation. Please use your influence to work with these senators and ensure the speedy confirmation of this very worthy nominee.


Kathy J. Sackman, RN

President, UNAC/UHCP

cc: Office of Congresswoman Hilda Solis, Washington, DC and El Monte, CA