
UNAC/UHCP Retirees Form Retiree Council

March 2012

Every day retirees hear threats to the retirement security they have worked for all their lives.  Employers who want to cut retiree health care benefits; Politicians who want to slash Social Security; even eliminate Medicare as we know it.

Well now retired members of UNAC/UHCP are doing something about it.  They are forming the UNAC/UHCP Retiree Council. So far hundreds of retired nurses and other health care professionals have joined and if you are a retiree you should join too!

Our retiree council will stand side-by-side with our working sisters and brothers in contract fights where employers, such as Kaiser Permanente, threaten to cut retiree pension and health care benefits.  They will also be on the front line as defenders of Medicare and Social Security—key programs for current and future retirees.

So where are we now?  In early February 2012, members of the retiree organizing committee—Frances Powell, Ann Foster, Amy Teufert, Brenda Jordan, Fred Tinamisan,  Donna Knoch, Christine Lakowski, Sonia Moseley and Marie Scheet—met and began discussing the retiree council’s founding convention.  The founding convention is where retirees will adopt a constitution, elect officers, learn from interesting speakers and break bread together.  We will also be officially chartered by AFSCME Retirees, one of the largest retiree groups in the labor movement with 250,000 members.  All UNAC/UHCP Retiree Council members will receive an invitation to attend.

So if you are retired or about to retire, please join the UNAC/UHCP Retiree Council.  Dues are only $15 per year.  All you have to do is call the retiree office at (909) 618-0657 and one of our fabulous retiree volunteers will tell you all about it.