
UNAC/UHCP Members Score a Baldwin Park Arbitration Victory

March 2013

In January, UNAC/UHCP won an arbitration involving the deletion of the Senior RN position at the Kaiser San Dimas Medical Office Building. An Ambulatory Care Supervisor outside the bargaining unit had been filling the role. The arbitrator found that Kaiser “violated the Agreement by moving the Sr. RN duties to the Ambulatory Care Supervisor position” and as a remedy ordered the Employer to return to the bargaining unit the duties outlined in the negotiated Senior RN job description. The arbitrator also found that all of the duties of the Senior RN position were folded into the Ambulatory Care Supervisor position and the majority of time was spent performing those duties that previously had been performed by the Senior RN. The decision illustrates the strength of UNAC/UHCP’s contract language prohibiting the transfer of work customarily performed by employees in the bargaining unit to supervisors outside the unit.