
UNAC/UHCP Members Attend Riverside NAACP Awards Dinner

October 2013

NAACP DinnerUNAC/UHCP members from Riverside area affiliates attended the first annual labor awards dinner and dance held by the Riverside branch of the NAACP on October 4, to the sounds of an R&B band in the banquet room of the San Bernardino Hilton. An award for Outstanding Community Outreach was presented to Ed Toole of Service Employees International Union Local 721. The event was well-attended by other area labor unions and community groups.

“It was a good experience for us to participate, be a part of the community and get an understanding of what else is happening in the community,” said La Donna Fordham, a Pediatrics RN at Kaiser Riverside.

Other UNAC/UHCP members attending included Mary Mendoza and Glenn Natividad, RNs from Pettis Memorial; Charlotte Hammond, RN and Dennis Livingston, PA from Kaiser Fontana; and Linda Morales, Charge RN from Kaiser Baldwin Park. UNAC/UHCP Staff Representatives Arthereane McLaughlin and Barbara Macon and Staff Organizer Vanessa Caballero also attended.