UNAC/UHCP Meets with HHS Secretary Sebelius
June 2012
On February 27, UNAC/UHCP member-activist Marcia Schlesinger, NP, UNAC/UHCP President Ken Deitz, RN and UNAC/UHCP State Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Blake, RN had the extraordinary opportunity to speak with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and her senior advisors about health care reform. They took part in an AFSCME Nurses Advisory Committee meeting coordinated to ensure nurses were able to give their input in the process.
“I was very impressed by Secretary Sebelius and her top advisors. We have really very bright and thoughtful experts dealing with this issue. This meeting reinforced my conviction we’re on the right path,” said Marcia after the meeting.
Marcia noted Sebelius seemed to have a keen appreciation for a patient-centered model of care provided by a multitude of team members, not just the physician. She sees an increase in utilization of nurses and advance practice providers—NPs, PAs, CNMs—delivering care. Sebelius closed the meeting by recruiting nurses to share their ideas and concerns about the Affordable Care Act. She reinforced her message that nurses need to be involved in these discussions and decisions.