
UNAC/UHCP Leaders Attend Women’s Conference

October 2013

Over a long weekend in Denver in September, newly elected UNAC/UHCP officers Denise Duncan, RN, Charmaine Morales, RN, and Jettie Deden-Castillo, NP, took part in the AFSCME Women's Conference along with UNAC/UHCP staff and members.

Through workshops, they strategized and developed new skills for the fight to protect workers’ rights. UNAC/UHCP Organizer Vanessa Caballero was one of many who led sessions. They volunteered to beautify a local community and to work a phone bank to support a minimum wage increase in New Jersey.

Attendees also heard from exciting speakers, including AFSCME President Lee Saunders and Sec.-Treas. Laura Reyes, Hilda Solis, the first Latino U.S. secretary of Labor and the second woman to hold that cabinet position, Wisc. State Representative LaTonya Johnson, and Ohio State Senator Nina Turner. Senator Turner's memorable speech focused on acting on the urgency of now, protecting our future from the threats to workers, or as she said, "I was taught that if your hair is on fire, you ought to act like your hair is on fire." President Saunders urged all women attending to find a way to make change and their dreams come true.

A video wrap up of the conference is available below.