
UNAC/UHCP Garden Grove Members Voice Support for UFCW Workers

August 2011

Barbara Blake, RN, speaks to store managerHelen Bouman, RN, speaks to store manager UNAC/UHCP members from Garden Grove Medical Center visited a Garden Grove Albertsons on August 17. UNAC/UHCP State Secretary Barbara Blake, RN, joined Garden Grove Registered Nurses Association President Helen Bouman, RN, in voicing solidarity with the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) at Albertsons in a visit attended by over a dozen union members from UNAC/UHCP and UFCW. The RNs signed letters of support for UFCW and made it clear they stood in solidarity with the grocery workers.

Said Blake, "We were very moved by the personal stories of the workers from the store. When you heard how the proposed changes to the contract would force them into personal bankruptcy, it really brought home why we must all stand with UFCW.”