
UNAC/UHCP Files Charge Against Corona Regional Medical Center

September 2013

UNAC/UHCP has filed a charge against Corona Regional Medical Center—because of CRMC's recent pattern of hiring travelers to cover the shifts of regular Corona nurses.

The charge states that these cancellations are unlawful retaliation against us for voting for our Union.

Such retaliation is considered an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Canceling regular Corona RNs in favor of travelers jeopardizes patient care:

  • Disrupts the nurse-patient relationship
  • Interrupts continuity of care
  • Leaves patients in the hands of nurses unfamiliar with our hospital, doctors and community

Several Corona RNs have bravely stood up to testify to the NLRB about this retaliation. If you too want to stand up, it's not too late.

Go to unacuhcp.org/got-canceled and tell us your story. The UNAC/UHCP legal team will keep it confidential, and then may contact you to follow-up.

If you have any questions, please contact: Thor:  909-784-9739 | thor.causing@unacuhcp.org or Kuu:  909-241-8733 | kuusela.hilo@unacuhcp.org

Union Certification Update

We expect a decision on the certification of our union election sometime this fall.

The hearing into management's challenge to our vote ended in July. After that, both sides submitted post-hearing briefs last month. Hundreds of pages of testimony and evidence are in the hands of the Administrative Law Judge to review before making a final decision.

We are still confident that the decision will lead to certification of our election and our union.