
UNAC/UHCP Celebrates Governor Jerry Brown’s Inauguration

January 2011

The United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals (UNAC/UHCP) congratulates Jerry Brown who was sworn in today as California’s 39th Governor.

In his inaugural address, Governor Brown promised that his forthcoming budget, to be released next week, would be straightforward and stated his goal was to achieve greater accountability in the government.

“We are thankful California now has a governor who understands the vital role nurses play in the delivery of health care. Our State’s governor has the power to appoint seven of the nine Board of Registered Nursing members. And of course the governor has considerable influence on any legislation being crafted in the State Assembly or the State Senate,” said UNAC/UHCP’s new President, Ken Deitz, RN. “More importantly, the governor signs or vetoes every piece of legislation passed by both houses of the California Legislature. We look forward to working with Governor Brown to ensure nurses continue to provide quality care for their patients.”