
UNAC/UHCP Basic Class Delivers

January 2011

Kaiser South Bay Members Master Key Labor Management Skills in One of UNAC/UHCP's Trainings

Kaiser South Bay Members Master Key Labor Management Skills in One of UNAC/UHCP's Trainings

Members at Kaiser South Bay recently participated in UNAC/UHCP’s Basic Labor Management Training Class where they earn continuing education credits to become more familiar with the union, its benefits and how to navigate the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the grievance process.

“The Basic Class is a great way to learn about the history of our union, the struggles others went through to get the rights we enjoy today and how to effectively address workplace issues using the channels available to us,” stated Angela Gonzalez, RN, newly elected president of KSBHCPA. “It covers the different processes and guidelines we need to follow for our union and our employer to ensure safe patient care.”

UNAC/UHCP Staff Representative Larry Rick, PA, offers the Basic Class at Kaiser South Bay to educate UNAC/UHCP members about their rights as union members and to increase the strength of their affiliate.

UNAC/UHCP Staff Representative Larry Rick, PA, offers the Basic Class at Kaiser South Bay to educate UNAC/UHCP members about their rights as union members and to increase the strength of their affiliate.

The Basic Labor Management Training class provides information on UNAC/UHCP history, how dues work and the proper channels to handle staffing objections and address grievances. A few individuals chose to take the class a second time to refresh their understanding of the Union and all the benefits that come with being a UNAC/UHCP member.

“I have already been to a Basic Labor Management Class before, but wanted to come again to reaffirm what I learned the first time, get new questions answered and prepare me for my new role as Contract Specialist,” commented Irma Bermudez, an RN in the Emergency Room at Kaiser South Bay. “A lot of people don’t really understand what the union does or that it is responsible for the wages and benefits we enjoy today. This class provides a lot of information about our contract, where our dues go, what our rights are, how we can address concerns and how to ensure patient safety.”