
Transparency| January 2012

January 2012

From this month's newsletter, information on our upcoming negotiations:

Some important dates related to the 2012 Kaiser Contract Campaign

January 17, 2012: Launch of UNAC/UHCP local bargaining survey. This survey is where we the members will provide input on key issues that need to be addressed in our local bargaining, which begins once national bargaining is completed. This survey will be available online and in paper form. Our CAT team and leadership will be helping in distribution to ensure high member participation.

January 21, 2012: National Kaiser Delegates Conference in San Jose: This conference is for all Hospital and Clinic Presidents to attend where the National Coalition of Kaiser Labor Union's bargaining priorities will be reviews, discussed and approved.

Week of March 5th: National Bargaining begins. Southern California dates are 3/6 - 3/8, 3/27-3/29, and 5/9 - 5/11. Our presence at these bargaining sessions is imperative. You are welcome to come as much as you like. Locations & times will be posted as we receive them.

For more information about KSBHPA, download the full newsletter.