
Timeline: Local and National Bargaining with UNAC/UHCP

March 2015

Here's the anticipated path forward for bargaining a new, superior contract with UNAC/UHCP.

March: Elect a new negotiating committee, consisting of 16 pharmacists; complete a bargaining survey; participate in bargaining focus groups.

Early April: Bargaining begins for a new local contract; UNAC/UHCP and the Coalition of KP Unions also begin negotiations for a new National Agreement.

May: Local negotiations continue; UNAC/UHCP takes up pharmacist retirement issues at national bargaining.

June: National bargaining scheduled to conclude; wage increases negotiated to take effect October 1; retirement issues addressed.

July-/August: Local negotiations continue, with focus on work load and other outstanding issues.

September: Local negotiations conclude; members vote on new local contract and will be covered by the National Agreement after accepting local contract.

It’s entirely possible to have a new UNAC/UHCP-negotiated contract in place by September 30. However UNAC/UHCP is committed to negotiate as long as it takes to reach the best contract possible.