There Is A Better Way
February 2009
The day before the L.A. march, UNAC/UHCP activist Asela Espiritu, an RN at Kaiser Orange County, travelled to Washington, D.C., to speak out at the AFL-CIO’s rally for the Employee Free Choice Act.
Espiritu joined UNAC/UHCP through a majority sign-up process, thanks to the landmark Labor Management Partnership between Kaiser and its unions. She told ralliers that all working people should have the same opportunity she’s had, free of coercion and intimidation and able to bargain for a better life and better conditions in the workplace.
“The Employee Free Choice Act will empower workers within all kinds of industries. They’ll be part of the solution to the crisis we’re in,” Espiritu said, her words captured on the AFL-CIO blog and on YouTube. “As unionized workers, we have a voice with management. We’re on equal footing. It helps workers, it helps our patients, and it helps our company.”
Espiritu also earned attention on the AFSCME blog, and you can watch her tell her story in this video as well.