
The UNAC/UHCP Convention is Around the Corner

August 2012

The 2012 UNAC/UHCP Convention is coming up fast: October 21-24 in San Diego. This year, delegates will elect the State Secretary/Treasurer and three Directors to UNAC/UHCP’s Board. In addition, delegates will help plan our future, attend training and continuing education courses, and receive updates on the state of the union to bring back to their affiliates.

Nominations for Secretary/Treasurer are now open, and will remain open until the close of the business session on Monday, October 22. The incumbent Secretary/Treasurer is Barbara Blake, RN.

Nominations for the three Board of Directors seats are also open. Director seats are four year terms. The three available seats are currently held by: Asela T. Omilig-Espiritu, RN, Cindy Klein, RN, and Pam Brodersen, NP. Members may send nominations to the Convention Nominations Committee, in care of Scott Byington, RN, Nominations Chair.

The State Constitution, Section 606, specifies the requirements for election to a State office as follows: the person must be a member in good standing for at least two years immediately preceding the election; have practiced the profession of nursing for at least three years, or is a professional employee as defined in Section 301, provided that such person has practiced as a professional employee for at least three years; and has been a member of an affiliate for at least two years.

Nominations may be submitted by mail: 955 Overland Court, Suite 150, San Dimas, CA 91773; by fax: 909-599-8655; or by email: UNACUHCPnominationschair@gmail.com. Nominations must include the member’s full name and title. A brief background is recommended (please type instead of handwriting).