
Thanks for the Community Service

May 2016

Collage Strip 03There was an incredible outpouring of service to the community during Nurses Week this year from UNAC/UHCP RNs and other health care professionals—gifts of our labor and professionalism, in direct care, education and money for those in need. In addition, several groups honored UNAC/UHCP in recognition of Nurses Week and our contributions to health care and service to the community.

Here are some of the ways that UNAC/UHCP members served the community during Nurses Week 2016:

  • Served the Homeless: On May 5, Kaiser South Bay members provided medical and educational assistance to high risk and recently homeless mothers and children in the Shield for Families program. We provided general medical assessments, blood pressure checks, diabetes tests, hygiene education and vision screenings to the families. We also made a $3,000 financial contribution to the program. Twenty-eight UNAC/UHCP volunteers provided services to over 100 clients.
  • Honored Florence Nightingale: On May 6 there was a dedication and unveiling at Lincoln Park in Los Angeles of a bench donated by UNAC/UHCP which overlooks a statue of Florence Nightingale. The bench provides a place for the community and nurses to contemplate and watch over the statue of Nightingale, and has a plaque which reads: “In honor of Florence Nightingale, founder of the Nursing Profession.” UNAC/UHCP’s state officers were present for the dedication ceremony.
  • Served Domestic Violence Victims: On May 7, Kaiser Woodland Hills members provided a Mother’s Day lunch to the women and children, victims of domestic violence, living at Haven Hills women’s shelter. They also donated hundreds of dollars of much-needed household items collected within their facility and a $500 check to the Havens Hills clients. Eight UNAC/UHCP volunteers and President Denise Duncan, RN, presented the meal and donations.
  • Women’s Empowerment: Also on May 7, UNAC/UHCP hosted an educational forum in Downey, where women’s health experts, including our State Treasurer Jettie Deden-Castillo, NP, addressed key questions specific to women’s health.
  • Food Drive: UNAC/UHCP members from Kaiser Ontario-Vineyard and Kaiser South Bay helped with a massive food drive together with others unions such as the National Association of Letter Carriers, and the Labor Community Services department of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, as well as United Way. On May 10 Ontario-Vineyard members donated thousands of cans of food. On May 14, South Bay members donated more food and helped sort and weigh the huge volume of canned food items flooding into the drive. It’s expected that this drive will set a Guinness World Record, though it’s expected to take a few weeks for the final word on that.

Groups that honored UNAC/UHCP this Nurses Week included:

  • California State Assembly member Jimmy Gomez on May 6, during the bench dedication ceremony mentioned above, presented a proclamation from the California State Assembly honoring UNAC/UHCP for Nurses Week. Many will remember Jimmy’s service as Political Director of UNAC/UHCP prior to being elected to state office.
  • Los Angeles City Council honored UNAC/UHCP with a resolution for Nurses Week, presented to UNAC/UHCP’s State Officers on May 6 at Los Angeles City Hall.
  • Los Angeles Community College District honored UNAC/UHCP. The honor was presented on May 11 by LACCD Board of Trustees member and California State Assembly member Mike Eng. UNAC/UHCP State Secretary Charmaine Morales, a graduate of LA Harbor College, one of seven campuses in the district, accepted the honor and addressed the district’s chancellor and board of trustees.

UNAC/UHCP’s RNs and professionals gave of our time and knowledge this year more than ever before, from the heart and in the spirit of altruism. In turn, the community recognized our contributions.

Let’s see what we can to top it next year!