
Tentative Agreement Reached at Kaiser National Bargaining

June 2015

Hundreds of frontline workers and union leaders from the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions joined Kaiser Permanente management at the bargaining table in Manhattan Beach the week of June 3-6.

After 10 weeks of bargaining, bargaining team members emerged at 6 am Saturday, June 6, with a tentative agreement for our best-ever national contract. The tentative agreement includes higher wages, better benefits, and secures our retiree benefits. It does not take effect until members have voted to accept the agreement during ratification.

You can read about the highlights in the latest edition of Inside Out, a publication of the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU).

“It was the power of 105,000 union coalition members that helped us protect and improve our wages and benefits—the same power that fuels the quality and service we provide for KP members.”
— Ken Deitz, RN, UNAC/UHCP President

This was a collective effort and struggle. UNAC/UHCP members' show of strength throughout the bargaining process made this agreement possible. Thank you to everyone who came out to negotiations to support our dedicated bargaining team members, shared information with coworkers, and rallied with a sea of blue to show management how important this contract is to us!

The agreement now goes to a Union Delegate Conference for endorsement on June 16, then to 28 Coalition local unions for ratification and to Kaiser Permanente senior leadership for its approval. Please stay tuned for further information on ratification.

To read more about the tentative National Agreement, click here to download Inside Out.